Retrieval in spanish


pronunciation: rekupeɹ̩ɑθioʊn part of speech: noun
In gestures

retrieval = recuperación. 

Example: DBMS are essentially programming frameworks, and can offer good storage and retrieval, but often are intended for programmers to interact with, and thus may need a programmer in order to make them usable to libraries.


» automated retrieval = recuperación automática.

Example: This article discusses the possibilities of using these features in automated retrieval and draws attention to places where UDC falls short.

» computerised document retrieval system = sistema automatizado para la recuperación de documentos.

Example: The indexing principles of this system hold good for computerized information and document retrieval systems.

» computerised information retrieval and storage = almacenamiento y recuperación automatizada de la información.

Example: This article reviews some of the new technological developments that are becoming available for computerised information storage and retrieval.

» computerised information retrieval system = sistema automatizado para la recuperación de información.

Example: The indexing principles of this system hold good for computerized information and document retrieval systems.

» content-based image retrieval = recuperación de imágenes por el contenido.

Example: Content-based image retrieval has gained considerable attention especially in the last decade = La recuperación de imágenes por el contenido ha recibido una gran atención especialmente en la última década.

» CRISP (Computer Retrieval of Information on Scientific Projects) = CRISP (Recuperación Automatizada de Información sobre Proyectos Científicos).

Example: CRISP (Computer Retrieval of Information on Scientific Projects) is a large data base maintained and operated by the National Institutes of Health, Maryland.

» cross-language information retrieval (CLIR) = recuperación de información en varias lenguas.

Example: Cross-language information retrieval (CLIR) is the circumstance in which a user tries to search a set of documents written in one language for a query in another language.

» data retrieval = recuperación de información.

Example: Data retrieval involves the satisfaction of a request for information by providing the information as a direct answer to the question.

» digital image retrieval = recuperación de imágenes digitales.

Example: In this paper, a new approach to digital image retrieval using intermediate semantic features and multi-step search has been proposed.

» document retrieval = recuperación documental. [Procedimiento para localizar o recuperar y facilitar documentos que han sido solicitados y que tratan de un tema específico]

Example: In the author approach there is a clear emphasis on document retrieval as distinct from information retrieval.

» document retrieval system = gestor documental.

Example: A document retrieval system may be described by 3 formal characteristics: the syntax employed to describe documents, the form of machine-processable queries it accepts as valid and the retrieval rules used to rank or retrieve documents.

» effect + retrieval = recuperar, efectuar una recuperación.

Example: Further, menu screens will be necessary until the user has specified the task that he wishes executed or the information that he wishes to retrieve sufficiently for execution or retrieval to be effected.

» free text retrieval = recuperación de texto libre. [Posibilidad de poder acceder a información contenida en una aplicación informática que bien no está organizada por campos o ha sido indizada de tal modo que se puede acceder a cualquier palabra o combinación de palabras; también denominada simpelemente recuperación de texto text retrieval o recuperación de texto completo full text retrieval]

Example: The electronic hypermedia of the future depends on integrating the technology of free text retrieval with the classification-based discipline of content analysis.

» free text retrieval system = sistema para la recuperación de texto libre.

Example: This is a powerful, free text retrieval system which enables string-searching from any part of a record.

» full text retrieval = recuperación de texto completo. [Posibilidad de poder acceder a información contenida en una aplicación informática que bien no está organizada por campos o ha sido indizada de tal modo que se puede acceder a cualquier palabra o combinación de palabras; también denominada simplemente recuperación de texto text retrieval o recuperación de texto libre free text retrieval]

Example: The developments which have hitherto been implemented for non-full text data bases now need to be introduced to enhance full text retrieval.

» fuzzy data retrieval = recuperación de información de lógica difusa.

Example: 2 ideas for such interfaces are: possibility theory applied to fuzzy data retrieval, with hazy data and/or requests; and a machine learning technique applied to learning the user's deep need.

» image retrieval = recuperación de imágenes.

Example: General image retrieval is often carried out by a text-based search engine, such as Google Image Search.

» image retrieval system = sistema de recuperación de imágenes.

Example: An image retrieval system is a computer system for browsing, searching and retrieving images from a large database of digital images.

» information retrieval (IR) = recuperación de información (RI). [Acción, método y procedimiento utilizados en la recuperación de documentos concretos de una colección]

Example: Information retrieval (IR) involves the recovery of documents from a given collection which are relevant to a request.

» information retrieval software = programa de gestión documental.

Example: As mini and micro computers become cheaper and information retrieval software becomes available in more financially attractive, user friendly and tried and tested packages, the trend towards local mechanized information retrieval systems is likely to be reinforced.

» information retrieval system (IRS) = sistema de gestión documental, gestor docomental.

Example: Modern information technology has opened up several new possibilities of conceptual design of information retrieval systems (IRS) that more fully reflect actual searching behaviour.

» information storage and retrieval (ISR) = almacenamiento y recuperación de la información.

Example: The author characterises several categories of microcomputer software for information storage and retrieval (ISR).

» information storage and retrieval system = sistema de almacenamiento y recuperación de la información.

Example: This article relates the development of an information storage and retrieval system for combustion research.

» menu-based information retrieval system = sistema de recuperación de información por medio de menús.

Example: A menu-based information retrieval system displays, on a television or other terminal connected to a computer, a list of categories from which the user must select one by keying the code which represents the chosen category.

» online retrieval = recuperación en línea.

Example: Image processing is fast becoming a major success in the hardware field, and in its footsteps could come the first significant attempt at image archiving and subsequent on-line retrieval.

» online retrieval service = servicio de recuperación en línea.

Example: Although progress has been made in the development and use of on-line retrieval services, substantial improvements are necessary to reap their full potential.

» picture retrieval = recuperación de fotografías, recuperación de imágenes fotográficas.

Example: In this paper, we concentrate on picture retrieval which is based on how objects are spatially related in a picture.

» reference retrieval = recuperación de referencias. [Acción, método y procedimiento utilizados para la recuperación de todo tipo de referencias de una colección]

Example: Reference retrieval is the action, methods and procedures for retrieving all kinds of references from a store.

» retrieval access = punto de acceso.

Example: Much more important, however, is the fact that an online catalog contains many more retrieval accesses than a catalog based on the Paris Principles and is therefore a far more effective tool from the user's point of view.

» retrieval effectiveness = eficacia de la recuperación.

Example: Traditional measures of retrieval effectiveness, of which the recall ratio is an outstanding example, are strongly influence by the relevance properties of unexamined documents -- documents with which the system user has no direct contact.

» retrieval facilities = tipos de búsqueda, posibilidades de búsqueda.

Example: This chapter attempts to identify the common retrieval facilities that are featured in most of these services.

» retrieval language = lenguaje de recuperación. [Lenguaje formalizado usado para describir y representar información o el contenido de los documentos para su almacenamiento y recuperación]

Example: As indexing languages are used both in the indexing of documents and in the search programming which leads to their subsequent retrieval they are sometimes referred to as retrieval languages.

» retrieval process = proceso de recuperación, recuperación.

Example: The analyser ensures the independence of the retrieval process.

» retrieval-related = pertinente a la recuperación.

Example: Follow a list of retrieval-related elements that should be included in abstracts.

» retrieval software = programas de recuperación.

Example: SilverPlatter were chosen because of the flexibility of their retrieval software and their participation in other CD-ROM projects such as LISA.

» retrieval system = sistema de recuperación.

Example: Project Key Words aims to tighten national guidelines for use of key words in retrieval systems.

» retrieval tool = herramienta de recuperación de información.

Example: In searching, a user will postcoordinate truncated keys derived from words in various elements of the entries, thereby making possible an extremely powerful retrieval tool.

» retrospective retrieval = recuperación retrospectiva.

Example: Another factor connected with the use of the system is whether the system will be used fundamentally for current-awareness applications, or retrospective retrieval.

» storage and retrieval = almacenamiento y recuperación.

Example: There is no pre-determined order of storage and retrieval.

» subject retrieval = recuperación por materias.

Example: Classification is not the only means of subject retrieval.

» text retrieval = recuperación de texto. [Posibilidad de poder acceder a información contenida en una aplicación informática que bien no está organizada por campos o ha sido indizada de tal modo que se puede acceder a cualquier palabra o combinación de palabras; también denominada recuperación de texto libre free text retrieval o completo full text retrieval]

Example: CAIRS-LMS (Library Management System) was launched at the end of 1987 to offer library housekeeping facilities in addition to text retrieval.

Retrieval synonyms

recovery in spanish: , pronunciation: rɪkʌvri part of speech: noun
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