Retreating in spanish


pronunciation: retiɹ̩ɑndoʊse part of speech: adjective
In gestures

retreat3 = retirarse, alejarse, replegarse, retroceder. 

Example: Persons who appear nervous or out of place should be approached by the librarian since they may appreciate his help, or upon the indications that they have been noticed, they may retreat (to the street, one hopes, and not merely out of view).


» retreat to + Posesivo + house = retirarse a + Posesivo + casa, refugiarse en + Posesivo + casa.

Example: Some of the children had been unruly today, and she could hardly wait to dismiss them so she could retreat to her house and close out the world.

retreating = en retirada, que se aleja. 

Example: Percy gazed blankly after the retreating car, and then made his way to a boot-blacking stand.

Retreating synonyms

receding in spanish: , pronunciation: rɪsidɪŋ part of speech: noun retiring in spanish: , pronunciation: rɪtaɪrɪŋ part of speech: adjective withdrawing in spanish: , pronunciation: wɪθdrɔɪŋ part of speech: adjective

Retreating antonyms

advancing pronunciation: ədvænsɪŋ part of speech: adjective
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