Retreat in spanish


pronunciation: retiɹ̩ɑdɑ part of speech: noun, verb
In gestures

retreat1 = retiro, reclusión, repliegue, apartamiento, retreta, santuario, refugio. 

Example: The retreat, held in an off-campus community room during the Christmas break following an unusually hectic autumn term, lasted a full day.


» country retreat = refugio en el campo.

Example: Cotswolds set to get a whole lot posher as Beckhams go house-hunting for country retreat.

» glacier retreat = retirada glaciar, retroceso glaciar.

Example: As a consequence of glacier retreat, new glacier lakes with potential for far-reaching natural disasters can form.

» retreat house = casa de retiro.

Example: This retreat house is located on 80 acres of gently rolling meadows and wooded countryside just 35 miles northwest of Chicago.

» spiritual retreat = retiro espiritual.

Example: The meaning of a spiritual retreat can be different for different religious communities.

retreat2 = retreta. 

Example: Retreat is a ceremony in which the unit honors the U.S. flag when it is lowered in the evening.


» beat + a (hasty) retreat = batirse en retirada, emprender la retirada, salir por pies.

Example: Half of the 5,000 troops that went ashore were killed or captured, while the remainder beat a hasty retreat.

» be in retreat = estar en retirada, estar en decadencia.

Example: Those institutions and persons representing a progressive and hopeful future for Iraq are under assault and in retreat.

retreat3 = retirarse, alejarse, replegarse, retroceder. 

Example: Persons who appear nervous or out of place should be approached by the librarian since they may appreciate his help, or upon the indications that they have been noticed, they may retreat (to the street, one hopes, and not merely out of view).


» retreat to + Posesivo + house = retirarse a + Posesivo + casa, refugiarse en + Posesivo + casa.

Example: Some of the children had been unruly today, and she could hardly wait to dismiss them so she could retreat to her house and close out the world.

Retreat synonyms

withdraw in spanish: , pronunciation: wɪðdrɔ part of speech: verb recede in spanish: , pronunciation: rɪsid part of speech: verb retrograde in spanish: , pronunciation: retrəgreɪd part of speech: adjective retire in spanish: , pronunciation: rɪtaɪr part of speech: verb retirement in spanish: , pronunciation: ritaɪɜrmənt part of speech: noun hideaway in spanish: , pronunciation: haɪdəweɪ part of speech: noun crawfish in spanish: , pronunciation: krɔfɪʃ part of speech: noun back out in spanish: , pronunciation: bækaʊt part of speech: verb pull back in spanish: , pronunciation: pʊlbæk part of speech: verb draw back in spanish: , pronunciation: drɔbæk part of speech: verb pull away in spanish: , pronunciation: pʊləweɪ part of speech: verb back away in spanish: , pronunciation: bækəweɪ part of speech: verb move back in spanish: , pronunciation: muvbæk part of speech: verb crawfish out in spanish: , pronunciation: krɔfɪʃaʊt part of speech: verb
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