Retirement in spanish


pronunciation: xubilɑθioʊn part of speech: noun
In gestures

retirement = jubilación. 

Example: From 1960 until his retirement in 1970, he served in the new library school at UCLA as Professor of Cataloging and Classification.


» early retirement = jubilación anticipada, jubilación temprana, prejubilación.

Example: The first thing to do when considering early retirement is to get a rough estimate of how much money you will need to retire early.

» retirement age = edad de jubilación.

Example: With greater life expectancy and lowering of retirement age, a new group of consumers has emerged.

» retirement centre = hogar del pensionista, hogar del jubilado.

Example: Nursing homes, retirement centers, Veterans' centers, women's shelters, Head Start programs, prisons, and psychiatric hospitals were often the beneficiaries of weeded books.

» retirement fund = seguro de jubilación, plan de pensiones, plan de jubilación.

Example: Some businesses use their retirement funds as a stopgap measure when clients are taking longer than usual to pay their bills.

» retirement plan = plan de pensiones, plan de jubilación, seguro de jubilación.

Example: As many teachers near their retirement years, they discover that their retirement plans are insufficient.

» retirement plan = plan para después de la jubilación. [Actividades a realizar tras la jubilación]

Example: His numerous retirement plans include using, not administering, libraries.

» retirement town = ciudad donde viven principalmente jubilados. [Ciudad que debido a sus condiciones principalmente climáticas o económicas atrae a un gran número de jubilados]

Example: The study showed that seaside resorts, spas, retirement towns and administrative centres were more likely to have good bookshop than industrial towns.

Retirement synonyms

retreat in spanish: , pronunciation: ritrit part of speech: noun, verb
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