Retention in spanish


pronunciation: retenθioʊn part of speech: noun
In gestures

retention = retención, conservación, reclusión. 

Example: Even in prisons nowadays the enlightened gaoler aims at more than custodial retention: he aims at education.


» grade retention = repetición de cursos.

Example: Research evidence demonstrates that grade retention does not improve achievement and may increase the chances of a student dropping out of school instead of persisting to graduation.

» retention date = fecha de retención. [Fecha límite más allá la cual un registro o documento será expurgado]

Example: The default is that a record is deleted when the retention date exceeds the purge date in the record.

» retention plan = plan de retención.

Example: Archives need to establish retention, conservation and disposition plans for recorded information.

» retention policy = política de retenciones. [Normativa que establece qué tipo de documentos y/o registros se mantendrán en la colección y cuáles se expurgarán]

Example: The results will contribute to the development of a national preservation and retention policy.

» retention schedule = calendario de retenciones. [Normativa para establecer la fecha límite para expurgar registros o documentos de una colección]

Example: Based on this enquiry, journal retention schedules were established.

» retention value = valor de retención.

Example: This technique was used to predict the chromatographic retention values of steroids.

Retention synonyms

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