Retch in spanish

Vomitar fácilmente

pronunciation: boʊmitɑɹ̩fɑθilmente part of speech: verb, noun
In gestures

retch1 = arcada. 

Example: She had some retches through the night but nothing to vomit up.

retch2 = tener arcadas, arquear. 

Example: The defendant vomited in the dock and retched repeatedly and loudly at his murder trial as he heard graphic details of the injuries sustained by the girlfriend he shot.


» make + Nombre + retch = dar arcadas, provocar arcadas.

Example: I imagine that all manner of physical contact is anathema to her, the very idea of exchanging body fluids must make her retch.

Retch synonyms

cat in spanish: , pronunciation: kæt part of speech: noun cast in spanish: , pronunciation: kæst part of speech: verb, noun sick in spanish: , pronunciation: sɪk part of speech: adjective chuck in spanish: , pronunciation: tʃʌk part of speech: noun spew in spanish: , pronunciation: spju part of speech: verb regurgitate in spanish: , pronunciation: rɪgɜrdʒəteɪt part of speech: verb vomit in spanish: , pronunciation: vɑmət part of speech: verb, noun puke in spanish: , pronunciation: pjuk part of speech: verb, noun honk in spanish: , pronunciation: hɑŋk part of speech: noun, verb barf in spanish: , pronunciation: bɑrf part of speech: verb disgorge in spanish: , pronunciation: dɪsgɔrdʒ part of speech: verb throw up in spanish: , pronunciation: θroʊʌp part of speech: verb upchuck in spanish: , pronunciation: ʌptʃək part of speech: verb spue in spanish: , pronunciation: spju part of speech: verb regorge in spanish: , pronunciation: rɪgɔrdʒ part of speech: verb vomit up in spanish: , pronunciation: vɑmətʌp part of speech: verb be sick in spanish: , pronunciation: bisɪk part of speech: verb

Retch antonyms

keep down pronunciation: kipdaʊn part of speech: verb
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