Retail in spanish

Al por menor

pronunciation: ɑlpoʊɹ̩menoʊɹ̩ part of speech: adjective, noun
In gestures

retail1 = detallista, de venta al por menor, de venta al detalle. 

Example: Dunkin' Donuts of America, Inc., the world's largest retail coffee and doughnut shop chain, uses the Informark system supplied by NDS a software package containing a demographic file of data from the 1980 USA Census and other commercial data bases.


» retail bookseller = librero de venta al detalle.

Example: The old method of publication by syndicates of retail booksellers (who might also be wholesalers and/or printers) remained normal during the last quarter of the eighteenth century.

» retail chain = cadena de comercios.

Example: Many libraries are following the lead of retail chains and service organisations in recognising the need for customer care.

» retail executive = directivo del comercio minorista.

Example: However, as the proportion of elderly people in the population rises sharply over the next few years advertising and retail executives will need to rethink their sales strategies.

» retail outlet = tienda, establecimiento comercial.

Example: It has never yet been seriously argued that there should be restrictions placed on any retail outlets wishing to sell books.

» retail price = precio de venta al público.

Example: At the same time publishers and booksellers combined once more to fix retail prices, concluding in 1900 a 'net book agreement' by which booksellers were forbidden to retail new books at less than list prices.

» Retail Price Index (RPI) = Indice de Precios al Consumo (IPC). [Informe mensual sobre el precio medio de diversos productos y servicios que sirve de medida de la fluctuación del coste de vida]

Example: One problem encountered was the difficulty in obtaining information about the means used to calculate the book component of the Retail Price Index (RPI).

» retail prices = información de precios de productos para el consumo. [Información diaria sobre los precios de mercado de ciertos productos claves para el ama de casa]

Example: Several hundred pages of information are available on each channel, concerned mainly with retail prices, share prices and amusement.

» retail product = producto comercial.

Example: Of 33 retail products examined, including skinless sausages, hot-dog sausages and frankfurters, 25 (75%) contained levels of mineral hydrocarbons from 10 to 105 milligrams per kilogram.

» retail sales = ventas al por menor, ventas al detalle.

Example: Yesterday's report on March retail sales was greeted with banner headlines proclaiming the comeback of the consumer.

» retail seller = detallista, minorista, pequeño comercio, comercio.

Example: Any retail seller which permits consumers to lay away consumer goods will provide a written statement of the terms and conditions of the agreement = Cualquier comercio que permita a los consumidores comprar a plazos apartando los productos les proporcionará un documento escrito de las condiciones del acuerdo.

» retail selling price = precio de venta al público.

Example: Since we buy back only the number of books we need, you may not always be able to sell your books for 50% of the current retail selling price.

» retail shop = tienda, establecimiento comercial, pequeño comercio.

Example: Books were advertised in the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries by means of printed publishers' lists, which were carried about by salesmen and were probably put up in retail shops.

» retail store = tienda outlet.

Example: Another main trend emerging is merchandising, where the public library is set up in a similar way to a retail store with items on sale.

» retail trade = venta al detalle, venta al por menor, minoreo.

Example: This article reports how supermarket chains confront the problems of the retail trade on a daily basis.

retail2 = vender al detalle, vender al por menor. 

Example: Beadle and Adams of New York's 'dime and nickel novels' included both new books and pirated English novels retailing as paperbacks at 10 cents a volume.

retail3 = repetir. [Generalmente chismes de otras personas]

Example: Paul speaks of such chatterers, and calls them 'busybodies,' who out of idleness roam about retailing from house to house, the talk which they have heard.

Retail antonyms

explain pronunciation: ɪkspleɪn part of speech: verb wholesale pronunciation: hoʊlseɪl part of speech: adjective
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