Result in spanish


pronunciation: resultɑdoʊ part of speech: noun, verb
In gestures

result1 = resultado, conclusión, desenlace, consecuencia. 

Example: Plainly such representative sections may not be present in many documents, but sometimes an extract from the results, conclusions or recommendations of a document may serve to identify the key issues covered by the entire document.


» achieve + a result = lograr un resultado.

Example: Reports may be regarded as accounts from government establishments, scientific institutions, and industrial laboratories about work performed and results achieved, rendered to their clients and sponsors.

» as a result (of) = como consecuencia (de), como resultado (de), en consecuencia.

Example: As a result they were obligated to remain generally uninvolved in the patron's efforts to make a decision.

» assess + results = evaluar los resultados.

Example: This article assesses the results of the project and the reasons for its success.

» be the result of = ser (el) resultado de, ser (el) fruto de.

Example: We are the result of 4 billion years of evolutionary success.

» bring about + result = hacer que se produzca un resultado.

Example: The central characters' attitudes, prejudices, and sentiments have such a profound effect both in bringing about the situations and in their outcomes that they cannot be ignored.

» bring + results = producir resultados.

Example: In spite of a few dangers, these methods infallibly bring results.

» chaos + result = producirse caos.

Example: Obviously, once a choice of citation order has been made it must be kept to, otherwise, chaos will result.

» display + results = mostrar los resultados.

Example: We recommend using the TYPE command to display the results and then transferring the results to disk with the F8 key.

» end result = resultado final.

Example: The end result will be that more information on asbestos roofing has been traced.

» get + results = conseguir resultados, obtener resultados.

Example: If you put a lot of effort into losing weight but just don't seem to get results, you may be your own worst enemy.

» give + result = dar resultado.

Example: A first trial gave unsatisfactory results because of flaws in the experimental design, and a second test was therefore planned to overcome these difficulties.

» give + zero results = no dar ningún resultado.

Example: For example, SELECTing RIGHT(W)TO(W)READ would give zero results.

» intermediate result = resultado intermedio.

Example: If a search request contains more than one word, FIND reports 'intermediate results' for each word, assigning each word its own number, before performing the combination.

» negative result = resultado negativo.

Example: To make the best use of resources school and public libraries have, in many instances, combined with both positive and negative results.

» net result = resultado.

Example: The net result has been the automation of certain clerical activities ancillary to cataloging, without actual inclusion of the entire cataloging process, or the catalog itself, as part of the total system.

» obtained result = resultado obtenido.

Example: Finally some comments are given upon the applied methods and the obtained results.

» obtain + result = obtener resultado.

Example: The results obtained showed that under these conditions the performance of the SMART system was relatively poor.

» outline + results = esbozar resultados.

Example: This article lists committees in whose work Soviet delegates took part and outlines results.

» positive result = resultado positivo.

Example: However, the effects of media conglomeration on Times Mirror for bottom line results would pull the plug on the New York venture that was nearing its provisional term and beginning to show positive results.

» produce + results = producir resultados, dar resultados, arrojar resultados.

Example: It remains to be seen whether fuzzy set theory can produce better results.

» report + the results = presentar the resultados.

Example: This article reports the results of project to examine the needs of a group of rheumatology outpatients for information about the drugs they are taking.

» result + be declared = resultado + hacer público.

Example: The result of the ballot will be declared at the special Council meeting to be held during the next IFLA Conference.

» results + corroborate = resultados + corroborar.

Example: The results corroborated the leadership of Brazil in the field.

» results + corroborate + findings = resultados + corroborar + hallazgos.

Example: Results corroborate the findings of the earlier experiment.

» results + indicate = resultados + indicar.

Example: Results indicate that bibliographers at these libraries depend on inadequate reviewing sources and domestic approval plans for developing these literatures.

» results-oriented = dirigido a obtener resultados.

Example: Academic libraries have in general been slow to implement results-oriented management.

» results + show = resultados + mostrar.

Example: Results show that the 10 titles most requested educational journals are not stable over time.

» searching result = resultado de la búsqueda.

Example: Correlations between native language and searching results and satisfaction are shown = Se demuestra que existen correlaciones entre la lengua materna, los resultados de búsqueda y la satisfacción.

» search result = resultado de la búsqueda.

Example: You may view search results as titles only for quick scanning or as full records.

» sport results = resultados deportivos.

Example: The idea of teletext is to supply, over the airwaves, such items of information as news flashes, the latest sport results, and commodity prices.

» sports results = resultados deportivos, noticias deportivas.

Example: Index pages are provided so normally the user will initially key in the number of the main index page in order to discover the page numbers of the required subject area, whether it is sports results, the latest news, weather or road reports or cookery recipes.

» store + search results + in disc file = guardar los resultados de una búsqueda en un fichero.

Example: Many searchers find it convenient to store search results in a disk file.

» stunning result = resultado sorprendente.

Example: In my video, you'll discover that glazing kitchen cabinets is very easy to do and produces stunning results.

» transfer + results = transferir los resultados.

Example: We recommend using the TYPE command to display the results and then transferring the results to disk with the F8 key.

» unintended result = resultado imprevisto.

Example: The drawback to this is that sometimes tinkering can lead to unintended results.

» yield + results = producir resultados.

Example: Searching for one or more terms within a single field can yield very precise results.

result (in)2 = resultar (en), dar como resultado, dar lugar a, plasmar, tener como consecuencia, tener como resultado, llevar a, acabar en, causar, producir. 

Example: Objective 1 results in what is known as a direct catalogue, because it gives direct access to a specific document.


» result from = ser el resultado de, ser la consecuencia de, ser resultado de, ser consecuencia de.

Example: Part of the trend towards declining conference attendance results from the downturn in the economy = Parte de la tendencia hacia el descenso de la asistencia a los congresos es consecuencia de la caída de la economía.

» result in + a draw = resultar en empate, terminar en empate, acabar en empate, finalizar en empate.

Example: They prefer a slow, reflective kind of game that, like chess, may quite often may result in a draw.

Result synonyms

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