Restraint in spanish


pronunciation: restɹ̩ikθioʊn part of speech: noun
In gestures

restraint1 = restricción, limitación. 

Example: It is well past the time for academics to challenge growing unconstitutional restraints on freedom to publish.


» budgetary restraint = restricción presupuestaria.

Example: CD-ROM has given the library a public relations boost but this has led to higher expectations of the library by users at a time of budgetary restraint.

» budget restraint = restricción presupuestaria.

Example: Slower economic growth coupled with federal and state budget restraints puts a great deal of uncertainty into the outlook for library budgets.

» economic restraint = restricción económica.

Example: Ecomonic restraint has resulted in effective, efficient libraries and in an increased role for the special library in many organisations.

» financial restraint = recesión económica.

Example: In times of financial restraint, library services to children and young adults are reduced disproportionately to services for adults.

» place + restraint = condicionar, imponer una limitación, imponer una restricción.

Example: The subsequent expansion upon gaining University status in 1966 placed ever increasing and severe restraints upon the full development of the library service.

restraint2 = moderación, comedimiento, compostura. 

Example: Librarians and borrowers are urged to use the system with restraint.

restraint3 = mordaza. 

Example: The inmate was escorted into the execution chamber and was strapped onto a gurney with ankle and wrist restraints.

Restraint synonyms

control in spanish: , pronunciation: kəntroʊl part of speech: noun constraint in spanish: , pronunciation: kənstreɪnt part of speech: noun simplicity in spanish: , pronunciation: sɪmplɪsəti part of speech: noun chasteness in spanish: , pronunciation: tʃeɪstnəs part of speech: noun

Restraint antonyms

unrestraint pronunciation: ənrestrənt part of speech: noun
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