Rest in spanish


pronunciation: deskɑnsoʊ part of speech: noun
In gestures

rest1 = descanso, reposo. 

Example: If they are non-librarians they might be released after a suitable period of chastisement but librarians should spend eternity there endlessly looking for 'Smith, E.S.' without rest or sympathy.


» a change is as good as a rest = con un cambio de actividad se renuevan las energías.

Example: As the old adage goes, a change is as good as a rest.

» armrest [arm rest] = reposabrazos, brazo.

Example: This article describes the advantages for these users of bookrests, mobile height-adjustable tables, sloped writing surfaces, roll stools, long-handled reachers, adjustable chairs with armrests, and D-shaped handles on card catalogue drawers.

» at rest = en reposo.

Example: Even when you're at rest, your body needs energy for all its "hidden" functions, such as breathing, circulating blood, growing and repairing cells.

» backrest = respaldo, espaldar.

Example: By depressing a foot pedal, the force on the backrest increases and the vertical force on the seat decreases.

» bed rest = reposo en cama.

Example: To make matters worse, too many patients are content to prescribe bed rest for themselves, even if their doctors would rather have them up and about.

» bookrest [book-rest] = atril.

Example: The book cradle is a cloth bookrest which can be adjusted to fit the shape of the book.

» chapel of rest = capilla ardiente, sala de velatorios.

Example: Hundreds of pounds worth of damage was caused when youths pulled up and smashed two floodlights and kicked roof tiles from the chapel of rest.

» eternal rest = descanso eterno.

Example: Now, 30 years later and a decade after winning the Nobel Peace prize, he seems closer to his eternal rest than ever.

» footrest = apoyapiés, reposapiés, apoyo para los pies.

Example: You must not carry a pillion passenger on your bicycle unless you have a pillion seat and footrest.

» get + a/some rest = descansar, tomarse un descanso, darse un descanso.

Example: His doctors have ordered him to get some rest.

» give it + a rest = dejarlo en paz, parar.

Example: Anyway after a few minutes of being told to give it a rest, she let it drop.

» have + a rest day = tomarse un día de descanso, descansar un día.

Example: Depending on arrival time you will have choice of visiting nearby sanctuaries or have a rest day.

» have + a/some rest = descansar, tomarse un descanso, darse un descanso.

Example: It is worth doing nothing and having a rest; in spite of all the difficulty.

» have + a/some rest = varano arborícola.

Example: This smaller lace monitor had taken a rest in the crook of a tree when I saw him.

» lay to + rest = enterrar, acabar, finalizar.

Example: A New Orleans style funeral provided a humorous backdrop for library staff to relive the tragedies and successes of the old system as it was laid to rest.

» no rest for the weary! = no hay descanso para los cansados.

Example: I could see they were tired from the journey but no rest for the weary as many people were interested in their arrival.

» no rest for the wicked! = no hay descanso para los malvados.

Example: Another season done and dusted, but no rest for the wicked so all teams best be prepared for the new season starting next week.

» put + Posesivo + mind at/to rest = tranquilizar.

Example: Hoping to please her and put her mind at rest I would take her for a drive, visiting sites where she had lived as a child.

» put to + rest = eliminar, acabar con.

Example: Careful investigation by the library board of the possibilities inherent in system membership usually puts to rest preconceived fears.

» rest area = zona de descanso, área de descanso.

Example: There is a noticeable number of patrons who stayed at the library for many hours and make extensive use of rest areas for meal breaks, to phone home, to discuss research projects, and to perform other tasks.

» rest home = residencia de ancianos.

Example: Naidex is an international exhibition of equipment and services for disabled and elderly people, nursing and rest homes.

» rest mass = masa en reposo.

Example: Kinetic energy does not gravitate in the same way that rest mass does.

» restroom [rest room] = aseo, servicio, baño, lavabo.

Example: Airport restrooms have become popular meeting places for men looking for sexual trysts with other men.

» rest stop = descanso en el camino, parada en el camino, área de descanso.

Example: The article is entitled 'Libraries on the superhighway: rest stop or roadkill?'.

» rest time = período de descanso.

Example: Other pupils will need help in developing stamina and concentration by having rest times when what they are reading can be discussed.

» set + Posesivo + mind at/to rest = tranquilizar.

Example: The doctor examined her and set her mind at rest: The lump was not a cancer, but a breast bud -- a sign that her breasts were starting to grow.

» take + a rest day = tomarse un día de descanso, descansar un día.

Example: Taking a rest day from exercising is not the end of the world.

» take + a/some rest = descansar, tomarse un descanso, darse un descanso.

Example: She said that on top of bronchitis, I was dealing with a virus that just did not want to go away and I needed to take a rest.

» unrest = descontento, malestar, inquietud, disturbios, intranquilidad, conflictividad.

Example: The subjects referred to recur frequently in the writings of the 'socially committed' -- drugs, sex, racism, student unrest, riots, scandals in government, conservation, the role of women in society are among them.

» without (a) rest = sin descanso, sin un descanso, sin parar, sin descansar, sin interrupción, sin tregua, sin respiro.

Example: This sequence was repeated, without rest, for the duration of the technique.

» wrist rest = soporte para la muñeca.

Example: This article surveys inexpensive gadgets that improve personal computer use such as alternative input devices, wrists rests, headsets, mouse pads, and uninterruptible power supplies.

rest, the2 = demás, los; resto, el. 

Example: The article is entitled 'Production control: keeping one step ahead of the rest'.


» a cut above the rest = superior a los demás, sobresalir sobre los demás, sobresalir por encima de los demás, fuera de lo común.

Example: To put it quite simply, the building is a cut above the rest with facilities fitted to the highest standards.

» and the rest is history = y el resto es historia.

Example: Our ice cream date turned out to be a great success and the rest is history!.

» stand out above + the rest = sobresalir por encima de los demás, destacar por encima de los demás, sobresalir sobre los demás, destacar sobre los demás, partir la pana.

Example: German culture stood above the rest of Latin Christendom in the late tenth and early eleventh centuries.

» stand out from + the rest = sobresalir por encima de los demás, destacar por encima de los demás, sobresalir sobre los demás, destacar sobre los demás, partir la pana.

Example: The article is entitled 'A course that stands out from the rest'.

» stick out above + the rest = sobresalir por encima de los demás, sobresalir sobre los demás.

Example: His teeth grew into razor fangs with two large incisors sticking out above the rest like a wolf.

» stick up above + the rest = sobresalir por encima de los demás, sobresalir sobre los demás.

Example: The two towers stick up above the rest making the building look like a castle.

» the rest (of) = el resto (de).

Example: The larger of the two numbers is used for the rest of the calculation.

» the rest of the day = el resto del día.

Example: I had beef tongue curry for lunch yesterday and kept thinking about it the rest of the day.

rest on/upon3 = apoyarse sobre, descansar sobre, reposarse sobre. 

Example: The junior librarian leaned forward, and resting her elbows on her knees, put her chin in her hands.


» lay + a rumour to rest = acallar un rumor.

Example: The family's physician finally laid the rumors to rest by giving a press conference at which he attested to the candidate's excellent physical and mental health.

» let + the matter + rest = dejar las cosas como están.

Example: I would suggest you let the matter rest.

» put it + to rest = confirmar de una vez por todas, confirmar definitivamente.

Example: If one has any doubt about Mitt Romney's mendacious temperament, the first presidential debate should have put it to rest.

» put it + to rest = aceptar, asimilar.

Example: Until you have put it to rest, you can't move forward in another relationship.

» put + Nombre + to rest = dar un descanso.

Example: Your mind is a powerful instrument, but you must learn to put it to rest sometimes, otherwise it will get blunt and/or turn against you.

» responsibility + rest on + shoulders = responsabilidad + recaer sobre + espaldas.

Example: Responsibility for the implementation of information policy rests primarily on the shoulders of those two departments mentioned above, which work closely together.

» rest + assured that = tener la seguridad de que, tener la certeza de que, dar por seguro que, estar tranquilo que, no preocuparse que.

Example: Parents who find themselves in the unenviable position of being home with a colicky newborn can rest assured that there is a cure.

» rest + easy (knowing) that = tener la seguridad de que, tener la certeza de que, dar por seguro que, estar tranquilo que, no preocuparse que.

Example: So you can rest easy that you are getting the very best.

» rest on + Posesivo + laurels = dormirse en los laureles.

Example: The article 'Not resting on its laurels' provides a background to the work of Federal Express, a package delivery company awarded the 1990 Malcolm Baldridge National Quality Award.

» rest on + Posesivo + oars = darse un respiro, tomarse un respiro, darse un descanso, tomarse un descanso, descansar, dormirse en los laureles.

Example: While we can be proud of what we have achieved I believe resting on our oars is a sure recipe for failure.

» rest on + Posesivo + oars = dejar de remar.

Example: The boat continued to float idly downstream, the men resting on their oars.

» rest + Posesivo + case = concluir + Posesivo + intervención.

Example: After more than two years of hearings, a lawyer trying to clear a teenager in the deaths of four people in Detroit has rested her case.

» rest + Posesivo + eyes = descansar los ojos.

Example: On the way to school Jane was sleepy in the car, she didn't quite snore but she definitely rested her eyes.

» rest + Posesivo + eyes on = mirar, posar los ojos en, detener los ojos en, detener la mirada en.

Example: For a passing moment after resting her eyes on the tattoo on his arm, Lily had merely looked scared.

» rest + Posesivo + gaze on = mirar, posar la mirada en, detener la mirada en, detener los ojos en.

Example: She rested her gaze on a group of students in the center of the weight room who were gathered around a very large and well-built boy.

» rest + Posesivo + legs = descansar las piernas.

Example: A variety of ottomans were also provided to help those out who might have had one too many or simply needed to rest their legs after a razzle.

» R.I.P. [rest in peace] = que en paz descanse.

Example: The words "rest in peace (R.I.P.)" appears on almost every tombstone.

rest on/upon4 = partir de, basarse en, depender de, residir en. 

Example: Faceted classification rests upon the definition of the concept of a facet.


» responsibility + rest with = responsabilidad + recaer en.

Example: Where safety is concerned, it is inevitable that the chief responsibility must rest with the various levels of management.

» rest on + Adjetivo + grounds = basarse en razonamientos + Adjetivo.

Example: To the extent that headings are dictated by conformity to a pattern, as against the likely approach of the reader resting on psychological rather than logical grounds, the subject catalog will lose in effectiveness.

» rest on/upon + the assumption that = basarse en la premisa de que, presuponer.

Example: The theory behind centralized cataloguing rests upon the assumption that libraries are duplicating cataloguing.

» ultimate authority + rest with = última palabra + depender de.

Example: Thus, the ultimate authority for the production and content of the second edition rests with the Joint Steering Committee.

Rest synonyms

lie in spanish: , pronunciation: laɪ part of speech: verb, noun sleep in spanish: , pronunciation: slip part of speech: noun, verb relief in spanish: , pronunciation: rɪlif part of speech: noun ease in spanish: , pronunciation: iz part of speech: noun, verb respite in spanish: , pronunciation: respɪt part of speech: noun stay in spanish: , pronunciation: steɪ part of speech: verb perch in spanish: , pronunciation: pɜrtʃ part of speech: noun breathe in spanish: , pronunciation: brið part of speech: verb repose in spanish: , pronunciation: ripoʊz part of speech: noun reside in spanish: , pronunciation: rɪzaɪd part of speech: verb remain in spanish: , pronunciation: rɪmeɪn part of speech: verb residual in spanish: , pronunciation: rɪzɪdʒuəl part of speech: adjective, noun roost in spanish: , pronunciation: rust part of speech: noun, verb residue in spanish: , pronunciation: rezədu part of speech: noun remainder in spanish: , pronunciation: rɪmeɪndɜr part of speech: noun quietus in spanish: , pronunciation: kwitəs part of speech: noun pillow in spanish: , pronunciation: pɪloʊ part of speech: noun relaxation in spanish: , pronunciation: rilækseɪʃən part of speech: noun residuum in spanish: , pronunciation: rɪzɪduəm part of speech: noun eternal sleep in spanish: , pronunciation: ɪtɜrnəlslip part of speech: noun eternal rest in spanish: , pronunciation: ɪtɜrnəlrest part of speech: noun rest period in spanish: , pronunciation: restpɪriəd part of speech: noun take a breather in spanish: , pronunciation: teɪkəbriðɜr part of speech: verb

Rest antonyms

change pronunciation: tʃeɪndʒ part of speech: noun, verb move pronunciation: muv part of speech: verb, noun be active pronunciation: biæktɪv part of speech: verb
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