Responsibility in spanish


pronunciation: respoʊnsɑbilidɑd part of speech: noun
In gestures

responsibility = responsabilidad, cometido, cargo. 

Example: The responsibility for manning the one telephone left at the disposal of a residue of callers fell to a single officer who had other duties to carry out to justify his keep.


» absolve + Nombre + from/of + responsibility = absolver de responsabilidad, eximir de responsabilidad.

Example: While librarians must not be overly censorious in their classification, they should not adopt a completely relativist stance that would absolve the profession of all responsibility.

» accomplish + a responsibility = cumplir una responsabilidad.

Example: To accomplish this responsibility, the elements of due process must also be applied to selection.

» admit + responsibility = admitir la responsabilidad.

Example: Maybe during the course of events, as things unfold, somebody will admit responsibility.

» assign + intellectual responsibility = atribuir responsabilidad intelectual, atribuir autoría.

Example: The first step in assigning intellectual responsibility to a corporate body must be a definition of a corporate body.

» assign + responsibility = asignar una tarea.

Example: Almost all practicing librarians have some assigned responsibilities that involve the training of other employees.

» assume + responsibility (for) = asumir la responsabilidad, aceptar la responsabilidad, hacer responsable.

Example: In the keynote speech each nation was urged to assume responsibility for preserving its own imprint while working cooperatively through IFLA to develop international bibliographic control.

» bear + the responsibility = ser el responsable.

Example: It does not matter who bears the bulk of the responsibility, the aggravated situation provides new arguments for supporters of military intervention.

» be the responsibility of = ser la responsabilidad de, estar a cargo de, correr a cargo de.

Example: It has recently been decided that the United Kingdom parliamentary archive, which is the responsibility of the House of Lords Record Office, will not include European Communities material.

» burden of responsibility, the = peso de la responsabilidad, el.

Example: Note that this puts the burden of responsibility for remembering the series, when a reader asks for information on a writer, on the reference librarian.

» carry out + Posesivo + responsibility = cumplir + Posesivo + responsabilidad, desempeñar + Posesivo + cometido.

Example: The vast majority of depository libraries are grossly understaffed and receive inadequate resources from their host institutions to carry out their responsibilities.

» civic responsibility = civismo, educación cívica.

Example: This program is designed to foster civic responsibility by teaching young people how to participate effectively in a democracy.

» claim + responsibility = reivindicar la autoría, reivindicar la responsabilidad, atribuirse la responsabilidad, atribuirse la autoría.

Example: Al-Qaida has claimed responsibility for two truck bombs that hit government ministries in Baghdad last week.

» collective responsibility = responsabilidad colectiva.

Example: The United Nations is the forum that best embodies this collective responsibility.

» decreased responsibility = responsabilidad reducida.

Example: Anonymity and decreased responsibility are well-known characteristics of a mob mentality.

» delegate + responsibility = delegar responsabilidad.

Example: His autocracy is manifested by his unwillingness and inability to delegate responsibility and authority.

» discharge + Posesivo + responsibility = desempeñar la labor encomendada.

Example: To discharge this responsibility requires mastery of a wide range and a large number of sources.

» disclaim + responsibility = rechazar la responsabilidad.

Example: On occasions, I have begun my talk by issuing a caveat emptor, a legalistic phrase which one dictionary defines as 'sentence disclaiming responsibility for buyer's disappointment'.

» exonerate + Nombre + from responsibility = exonerar a Alguien de responsabilidad.

Example: This view has helped exonerate the majority of drinkers & the alcohol industry from responsibility.

» face up to + responsibility = hacer frente a una responsabilidad.

Example: Regrettably, some people have considerable difficulty in facing up to responsibility and they procrastinate; others become notorious for making snap judgments.

» family responsibilities = responsabilidades familiares.

Example: In general, off-campus graduates were older, less mobile, had more family responsibilities, and used support structures generally available to mature adults.

» group responsibility = responsabilidad colectiva.

Example: This illustrates some of the opposing dangers that using the notion of group responsibility may hold.

» have + a responsibility to = tener el deber de, tener un deber que cumplir con.

Example: And further, that libraries as social institutions in a multicultural society have a responsibility to all elements in that society.

» have + the responsibility of = tener la responsabilidad de.

Example: However, if librarians have the responsibility of documenting our times, then popular culture must form part of this documentation.

» individual responsibility = responsabilidad individual.

Example: The link between freedom and individual responsibility is simply inescapable.

» instil + responsibility = inculcar responsabilidad.

Example: This booklet offers suggestions for instilling respect and responsibility in young children in early childhood settings.

» intellectual responsibility block = bloque funcional de responsabilidad intelectual.

Example: In UNIMARC the intellectual responsibility block, block 7 -- , contains names of persons and corporate bodies having some form of intellectual responsibility for the creation of the item described.

» irresponsibility = irresponsabilidad.

Example: It's already difficult to find a lot of these things as it is, but it would be absolute irresponsibility to go to a title-main entry.

» legal responsibility = responsabilidad legal.

Example: This article examines the position of special libraries in the context of legal responsibility and the provision of information.

» lodge + responsibility with = asignar responsabilidad a, hacer responsable de.

Example: Arguments presented in favour of lodging collection development responsiblity with librarians are, however, less than convincing.

» make + a claim of responsibility = reivindicar la autoría, reivindicar la responsabilidad, atribuirse la responsabilidad, atribuirse la autoría.

Example: One analyst said the killings bore the hallmarks of al Qaeda but no claim of responsibility has been made.

» meet + a responsibility = hacer frente a una responsabilidad.

Example: It is not enough to train the rising generation to meet their new responsibilities, for irreversible decisions must be made before they come to maturity.

» mixed responsibility = responsabilidad combinada. [Una obra de responsabilidad combinada es aquella en la que varias personas o entidades contribuyen en su contenido artístico o intelectual realizando tareas que son diferentes (por ej., adaptando o ilustrando una obra escrita por otra persona)]

Example: A work of mixed responsibility is one in which different persons or bodies contribute to its intellectual or artistic content by performing different kinds of activities (e.g., adapting or illustrating a work written by another person).

» moral responsibility = responsabilidad moral.

Example: Her central themes are still love and sex, but she digs deeper beneath the surface to examine the gray areas of moral responsibility and gender relations.

» personal responsibility = responsabilidad personal.

Example: Children get a handle on personal responsibility by holding a library card of their own, a card that gives them access to new worlds.

» relieve + Nombre + of responsibility = librar de responsabilidad.

Example: If people want regimentation which relieves them of responsibility, how then do you explain parents reaching out for control of schools, disdaining the help of experts.

» responsibility + fall to = responsabilidad + corresponder a, responsabilidad + competer a.

Example: The responsibility for the management of this resource generally falls to the organization's library or information service.

» responsibility + rest on + shoulders = responsabilidad + recaer sobre + espaldas.

Example: Responsibility for the implementation of information policy rests primarily on the shoulders of those two departments mentioned above, which work closely together.

» responsibility + rest with = responsabilidad + recaer en.

Example: Where safety is concerned, it is inevitable that the chief responsibility must rest with the various levels of management.

» secondary responsibility = responsabilidad secundaria.

Example: It permits the collocation, in one sequence, of all items which partake of a particular organizational attribute, e g., all works for which an author has secondary or tertiary responsibility, etc.

» sense of responsibility = sentido de la responsabilidad.

Example: The librarian's professional values include service, commitment to truth-seeking and intellectual freedom and a sense of responsibility (stewardship of knowledge).

» shared responsibility = responsabilidad compartida. [Colaboración entre dos o más personas o entidades que realizan el mismo tipo de actividad en la creación del contenido de una obra; también conocida como shared authorship]

Example: Shared responsibility involves the collaboration between two or more persons or bodies performing the same kind of activity in the creation of the content of an item; the contribution of each may form a separate and distinct part of the item, or the contribution of each may not be separable from that of the others.

» shirk + responsibility = eludir una responsabilidad, escabullir el bulto.

Example: Some libraries lean too heavily on the interloan network and shirk their own responsibility in book purchasing = Algunas bibliotecas dependen demasiado de la red de préstamo interbibliotecario y eluden la responsabilidad que tienen de comprar libros.

» shoulder + the responsibility = cargar con la responsabilidad.

Example: He resents the lack of opportunities to apply his knowledge and skills and to shoulder the responsibility for results.

» social responsibility = responsabilidad social.

Example: Librarians, as service professionals, have well-defined social responsibilities that relate directly to librarianship = Los bibliotecarios, como profesionales dedicados a prestar un servicio a la población, tienen responsabilidades sociales claramente definidas que están relacionadas directamente con la biblioteconomía.

» statement of responsibility = mención de responsabilidad. [Información relativa a la identificación o a la función de toda persona o entidad responsable o que ha contribuido a la creación del contenido intelectual o artístico de un documento]

Example: The statement of responsibility is a statement relating to persons responsible for the intellectual or artistic content of an item, to corporate bodies from which the content emanates, or to persons or corporate bodies responsible for the performance of the content of the item.

» take on + a responsibility = echarse una responsabilidad.

Example: Some employees just put in time, doing enough to get by, but never really trying to take on responsibility or learn anything new.

» take + responsibility = asumir responsabilidad, tomar la responsabilidad, responsabilizarse.

Example: In order to support these three elements, and to ensure that schemes are updated it is important to have some organisation which takes responsibility for revision and publication.

» take + sole responsibility = asumir toda la responsabilidad, asumir la responsabilidad absoluta, asumir la responsabilidad exclusiva, asumir plena responsabilidad.

Example: Like most ducks, female teals take sole responsibility for rearing the ducklings.

» teaching responsibilities = carga docente, responsabilidades docentes.

Example: Most courses are aught by Penn State University faculty as part of their regular teaching responsibilities.

» tertiary responsibility = responsabilidad terciaria.

Example: It permits the collocation, in one sequence, of all items which partake of a particular organizational attribute, e g., all works for which an author has secondary or tertiary responsibility, etc.

» title and statement of responsibility area = área de título y de mención de responsabilidad. [Sección de la descripción bibliográfica que se utiliza para expresar la información relativa al título y a la(s) persona(s) o entidad responsable de la publicación]

Example: The first element of the title and statement of responsibility area is the title proper.

» under + Posesivo + (own) responsibility = bajo + Posesivo + (propia) responsabilidad.

Example: The Chairman later circulated under his own responsibility summaries of all discussions held at the informal meetings.

» weasel out of + responsibility = escaquearse de una responsabilidad.

Example: They have a wide and well-practiced arsenal of tactics for weaseling out of responsibility.

Responsibility synonyms

duty in spanish: , pronunciation: duti part of speech: noun obligation in spanish: , pronunciation: ɑbləgeɪʃən part of speech: noun province in spanish: , pronunciation: prɑvəns part of speech: noun responsibleness in spanish: , pronunciation: rɪspɑnsəbəlnəs part of speech: noun

Responsibility antonyms

irresponsibility pronunciation: ɪrəspɑnsəbɪləti part of speech: noun irresponsibleness pronunciation: ɪrɪspənsɪbəlnəs part of speech: noun
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