Response in spanish


pronunciation: respuestɑ part of speech: noun
In gestures

response = respuesta. 

Example: She had, suddenly, a new feeling, like a tardy response to the stimulus of an unfamiliar drug.


» adaptive response = cambio. [Cambio que se realiza para adaptarse a una nueva situación]

Example: It is too early to assess the success of the adaptive responses which have been instituted in most SLIS.

» coerce + a response = forzar una respuesta.

Example: Any attempt to coerce a response without good reason based on that child's present predicament is to place in jeopardy the child's willing engagement now and in the future.

» elicit + a response = suscitar una respuesta.

Example: A survey was designed to solicit from authors of articles information regarding the types and quantity of response their articles elicited.

» evoke + a response = suscitar una respuesta.

Example: The sender hope to evoke a response in the receiver which will be similar to his own.

» fight or flight response = respuesta de lucha o huida, respuesta de enfrentamiento o huida. [También escrito flight or fight response]

Example: Another cause for chill bumps and shivers is your autonomic nervous system 'fight or flight' response = Una explicación para la piel de gallina y los escalofríos es la respuesta de "lucha o huída" por parte de nuestro sistema nervioso autónomo.

» fire response = acción contra el fuego.

Example: It is important to know what police or fire responses are triggered by alarms and how that reaction can be aborted and the alarm silenced.

» formulate + a response = formular una respuesta.

Example: Recently they started floating that same comment again, only this time Democrats have had time to formulate a response.

» frame + Posesivo + response = dar una respuesta.

Example: We need more quantified analysis if we are to delineate the problem accurately and frame a response to it.

» hormonal response = respuesta hormonal.

Example: Petting animals creates a hormonal response in humans that can help fight depression.

» immune response = respuesta inmune.

Example: Cytokines are small proteins used to communicate messages between the immune cells in the immune system to either turn up or down the immune response.

» in response to = en respuesta a, como respuesta a, a partir de.

Example: You have seen that the basic principle in information retrieval is to search only a limited part of the store in response to each request.

» police response = acción policial.

Example: It is important to know what police or fire responses are triggered by alarms and how that reaction can be aborted and the alarm silenced.

» positive response = respuesta positiva.

Example: If the author was known but not the title the odds in favour of a positive response were two to one. = Si el autor era conocido pero no el título las probabilidades a favor de una respuesta positiva eran de dos a una.

» provoke + a response = incitar una respuesta.

Example: A book may also of course provoke responses based primarily on the text itself rather than on intrusions from our personal and reading histories.

» rate of response = tasa de respuesta, número de respuestas recibidas, índice de respuesta.

Example: The rate of response for this survey was 33%.

» response plan = plan de actuación. [Referido especialmente ante un siniestro]

Example: This article describes a disaster exercise drill involving a broken ceiling and mud and water damage to books, designed to test response plans to salvage operations.

» response rate = tasa de respuesta, número de respuestas recibidas, índice de respuesta.

Example: The response rate to her questionnaire was 84% = La tasa de respuesta a su cuestionario was del 84%.

» response time = tiempo de respuesta.

Example: The data-base organisation chosen for DOBIS/LIBIS is designed to ensure very fast response times.

» yes/no response = respuesta sí/no.

Example: Computers are quite adroit at such simple yes/no response without much prodding.

Response synonyms

reaction in spanish: , pronunciation: riækʃən part of speech: noun answer in spanish: , pronunciation: ænsɜr part of speech: noun, verb reply in spanish: , pronunciation: rɪplaɪ part of speech: noun, verb reception in spanish: , pronunciation: rɪsepʃən part of speech: noun
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