Respect in spanish

El respeto

pronunciation: elrespetoʊ part of speech: noun
In gestures

respect1 = respeto, consideración, estima. 

Example: The authorities had in mind the book's endemic lying, the petty thefts, the denigrations of respect and religion, the bad language and the bad grammar.


» as a sign + Posesivo + of respect = como muestra de + Posesivo + respeto, en señal de + Posesivo + respeto.

Example: They bowed before the king as a sign of respect.

» disrespect = falta de respeto.

Example: Passive managerial techniques foster discontent and disrespect among staff members, and aggressive techniques create defensiveness, mistrust, and hostility.

» earn + Posesivo + respect = ganarse + Posesivo + respeto.

Example: Hence the all-too-common spectacle of a library trying -- worse still, claiming -- to do everything and not doing anything well enough to earn respect and thence support.

» filial respect = respeto filial.

Example: This could even lead to the son denying his literacy skills for fear that it might be seen showing lack of filial respect, where it is not seen as right in the African context for a son to know more than his father.

» gain + respect = conseguir admiración, conseguir respeto.

Example: Hernandez decided that if he wished to survive in this restrictive atmosphere his options were clearly the following: don't make waves, do a good job with no fuss of which he could be proud, and try to gain Balzac's respect.

» in respect for = respecto a, de.

Example: The author of a document is the person or organisation responsible for its creation, that is, the writer of a text, the illustrator in respect for illustrations and others responsible for the intellectual content of a work.

» inspire + respect = inspirar respecto.

Example: Good service ensures the production of information readily on request or without request, in a manner which inspires confidence and respect for the librarian.

» instil + respect = inculcar respeto.

Example: This booklet offers suggestions for instilling respect and responsibility in young children in early childhood settings.

» lack of respect = falta de respeto.

Example: Immodesty and the lack of respect for women are two sides of the same coin.

» lose + Posesivo + respect = perder + Posesivo + respeto.

Example: If you don't want to lose her respect, be modest in your comments for other people's faults.

» lose + respect for = perder el respeto por.

Example: I don't think this is a money problem -- I think this is a complete meltdown in your marriage because your husband is a liar and you've lost respect for him.

» mutual respect = respeto mutuo.

Example: Every member of this university community is expected to uphold this policy as a matter of mutual respect and fundamental fairness in human relations.

» out of respect for = por respeto a, por consideración a, en consideración a, por mor de.

Example: They chose not show the cartoons out of respect for Islam.

» pay + (due) respect to = respetar, honrar, rendir honor, rendir homenaje, rendir tributo, rendir pleitesía.

Example: Week after week, he struck a delicate balance, paying due respect to his powerful guests while pressing them to answer tough questions.

» pay + Posesivo + deep respect = mostrar + Posesivo + sincero agradecimiento, agradecer sinceramente.

Example: I am honored to have been invited to share in this most important occasion and to have the opportunity to pay my deep respects to your head of department.

» pay + Posesivo + respects = presentar + Posesivo + respetos, mostrar + Posesivo + agradecimiento.

Example: I am honored to have been invited to share in this most important occasion and to have the opportunity to pay my deep respects to your head of department.

» respect to differences = respeto a la diferencia.

Example: There will never be gender justice without respect to differences of race and of religion.

» self-respect = autoestima, respeto hacia uno mismo.

Example: The librarian's common general values include the desire for competence and autonomy at work, cooperation, tolerance and a sense of duty, and an appreciation of basic human needs of security, acceptance and self-respect.

» show + Posesivo + respect = mostrar respeto.

Example: While the term 'boss' might be used to show respect or even affection, it is generally believed to provide authority with a derogatory connotation.

» treat + Nombre + with respect = tratar con respeto.

Example: The dragon had very long claws and a great many teeth so she felt that it ought to be treated with respect.

» with (all) due respect to = con todo el (debido) respeto a.

Example: This kind of research should produce results to show that, with due respect to all the fancy mathematics, the specific arts of cataloging, acquisitions, or whatnot are being done as well as can be expected.

respect2 = sentido, respecto, aspecto. 

Example: However, the survey developed in the current study would need to be similar in other key respects to the water quality survey developed by Carson and Mitchell = No obstante, el cuestionario desarrollado en este estudio debería parecerse en otros aspectos importantes al cuestionario desarrollado por Carson y Mitchell sobre la calidad del agua.


» in all respects = en todos los sentidos.

Example: Subsequent to the seminar the majority of academic libraries have had open access service in almost all respects similar to the general principles discussed at York.

» in + Cuantificador + respects = en + Cuantificador + sentidos, en + Cuantificador + aspectos.

Example: This edition was found to be inadequate in several respects, and the same could be said of all editions until the eighteenth.

» in many respects = en muchos sentidos.

Example: Databases differ in many respects, most importantly in content and types of source document.

» in most respects = en su mayoría, en muchos aspectos, en muchos sentidos.

Example: The enumeration is still, in most respects, relevant to 1980.

» in other respects = en otros sentidos.

Example: The popular portrait of recent immigrants is off point in other respects as well.

» in respect of = en conexión con, en relación con, para, referente a, referido a.

Example: It is perhaps fortunate that the array of terms that are used to describe indexes is a little more restricted than the variety of terms used in respect of catalogues.

» in several respects = en varios sentidos, en cierto sentido.

Example: This edition was found to be inadequate in several respects, and the same could be said of all editions until the eighteenth.

» in some respects = en cierto sentido, en algunos sentidos.

Example: Even countries which have well-developed economic infrastructures may in some respects experience poverty of information, particularly in rural areas.

» in the least respect = en lo más mínimo, en el más mínimo sentido.

Example: Freud was a despot ill-naturedly driving away anyone who in the least respect disagreed with him.

» in this respect = en este sentido, al respecto, a este respecto, en este punto.

Example: The socio-political reform now under way in Hungary requires renewal from librarianship as well, and one may draw on the author's ideas in this respect.

» in various respects = en varios sentidos.

Example: Parts of the schedules differ in various respects from other parts of the schedules.

» with respect to = con respecto a.

Example: In so doing the classifier should group documents in a useful order with respect to one another.

respect3 = respetar, valorar, acatar. 

Example: She paid everyone the compliment of respecting what is subtle and unique in each of them.


» disrespect = faltar el respeto, faltar al respeto, ser irrespetuoso con, ningunear.

Example: Imagine if it was your house and people were disrespecting you, cursing, urinating and fornicating on your lawn.

» respect + a right = respetar un derecho.

Example: I am not suggesting that everyone should become a bookworm; there are plenty of healthy, happy and good people who do not want to read books and their right to not read must be respected.

Respect synonyms

value in spanish: , pronunciation: vælju part of speech: noun honor in spanish: , pronunciation: ɑnɜr part of speech: noun, verb regard in spanish: , pronunciation: rəgɑrd part of speech: noun, verb observe in spanish: , pronunciation: əbzɜrv part of speech: verb esteem in spanish: , pronunciation: əstim part of speech: noun deference in spanish: , pronunciation: defɜrəns part of speech: noun prize in spanish: , pronunciation: praɪz part of speech: noun honour in spanish: , pronunciation: ɑnɜr part of speech: noun prise in spanish: , pronunciation: praɪz part of speech: verb obedience in spanish: , pronunciation: oʊbidiəns part of speech: noun abide by in spanish: , pronunciation: əbaɪdbaɪ part of speech: verb respectfulness in spanish: , pronunciation: rispektfəlnəs part of speech: noun

Respect antonyms

disrespect pronunciation: dɪsrɪspekt part of speech: noun disesteem pronunciation: dɪsɪstim part of speech: noun
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