Resources in spanish


pronunciation: rekuɹ̩soʊs part of speech: noun
In gestures

resource1 = recurso. [Generalmente usado en plural]

Example: Resources of the information system will impose constraints upon the nature of the indexing language.


» aquatic resource management = gestión de recursos acuáticos.

Example: Indigenous knowledge now surfaces in the fields of human health, aquatic resource management, rural sociology, agricultural education, range management, water resource management, etc..

» broaden + Posesivo + resources = ampliar los recursos.

Example: Libraries in the third world should be taking up the challenge of broadening their resources.

» burden + Posesivo + resources = sobrecargar los recursos, mermar los recursos, recargar los recursos.

Example: I must say it's quite a neat idea that beautifies the city and doesn't burden the resources.

» CLR (Council on Library Resources) = CLR (Consejo sobre Recursos Bibliotecarios).

Example: This is a truly collaborative effort involving the Council on Library Resources (CLR) as the management and funding agency and 12 participants from the research library community.

» clump + resources = agrupar recursos.

Example: A better model might group resources by the means by which they are linked to the interface, rather than by spurious attempts to clump resources by type = Una mejor manera de hacerlo sería agrupando recursos por la forma en la que se conectan a la interfaz y no intentando erróneamente agruparlos por tipos.

» commercial resources = recursos comerciales.

Example: This article outlines some of the virtual shopping malls and storefronts available and explains how to find out about commercial resources on the net = Este artículo describe en líneas generales algunos de los centros comerciales y tiendas virtuales existentes y explica cómo encontrar recursos comerciales en la red.

» commitment of resources = inversión de recursos.

Example: The article 'Computer literacy in the library: from rags to riches' demonstrates how a library can introduce a computer literacy course with a modest commitment of time and resources.

» commit + resources = dedicar recursos.

Example: It is unreasonable to expect a library without enough money to open at regular hours to serve its citizens to commit resources that will enable a user half way around the world to borrow from its collection.

» computing resources = recursos informáticos.

Example: The creation of this virtual classroom was accomplished by using only existing computing resources.

» Council on Library and Information Resources (CLIR) = Consejo sobre Recursos Bibliotecarios y Documentales (CLIR).

Example: The Council on Library and Information Resources (CLIR) will work to identify the critical issues that affect the welfare of libraries and archives and the constituencies they serve.

» curriculum resource = material del curso, material de estudio.

Example: There are educational, economic and technical benefits to properly managing the provision and usage of all curriculum resources for schools.

» Data Resources Inc. = Data Resources Inc.. [Distribuidor de bases de datos no bibliográficas]

Example: Data Resources Inc., again US-based, covers data bases in economics, finance, energy and weather.

» delegate + resources = delegar recursos.

Example: One of the main proposals of the Act is local management of schools which delegates power and resources from the local education authorities (LEA) to individual schools.

» digital resource = recurso digital.

Example: The conference is known for its friendly atmosphere and welcomes developers and users of digital resources from, amongst others, universities, libraries, archives, and museums.

» direct + resources toward(s) = dedicar recursos a.

Example: A committed principal can direct school resources toward developing the library or mobilize support from parents.

» divert + resources = dedicar recursos.

Example: The basic answer is a willingness to divert the resources to do it, and the ability to find the resources.

» documentary resources = recursos documentales.

Example: Its purpose is to provide advice and on-site salvage assistance to those organisations having documentary resources that are damaged in a natural or man-made disaster.

» EARL (Electronic Access to Resources in Libraries) = EARL (Acceso electrónico a los recursos de las bibliotecas). [Consorcio de bibliotecas públicas británicas cuyo objetivo es colaborar en la creación de servicios basados en Internet]

Example: EARL (Electronic Access to Resources in Libraries) is a consortium of UK public libraries which have joined together to provide support, advice and help in the development of Internet based services.

» economic resources = recursos económicos, medios económicos.

Example: Owing to the lack of skilled staff and economic resources, traditional libraries are not always able to adequately collect, classify, record, preserve and store prints and negatives of historical importance.

» electronic reference resource = recurso de referencia eletrónico.

Example: Electronic reference resources are becoming an increasingly greater part of reference collections.

» electronic resource [e-resource] = recurso electrónico.

Example: Scorpion is a project exploring the indexing and cataloguing of electronic resources.

» electronic resource bank = banco de recursos electrónicos.

Example: The project aims to develop a collaborative inter-university, electronic resource bank which will significantly enhance student access to learning materials = El objetivo del proyecto es crear un banco de recursos electrónicos interuniversitario en colaboración que mejore significativamente el acceso de los estudiantes a material didáctico.

» energy resource = recurso energético.

Example: This programme was devoted to improve the managament of energy resources by developing renewable energy sources and the rational use of energy.

» ERPANET (European Resource Preservation and Access Network) = ERPANET (Red Europea para el Acceso y la Preservación de Recursos).

Example: ERPANET (European Resource Preservaton and Access Network) is a European initiative in the area of preservation of cultural heritage and scientific digital objects.

» financial resources = recursos económicos.

Example: This article discusses the impact of growing number of students and waning financial resources on library services and acquisition focusing on book shortages, security problems and inadequacy of staffing.

» fiscal resources = recursos económicos.

Example: The successful management of fiscal resources is an important function for the manager of an acquisitions department = La gestión eficaz de los recursos económicos es una función importante para el responsable del departamento de adquisiciones.

» free up + resources = liberar recursos.

Example: The newspaper reported that the advantages of the pullout will include relieving the strain on the armed forces and freeing up resources.

» gas resources = recursos de gas natural.

Example: Topics covered include geology, satellite imagery, nuclear energy, solar energy, geothermal enery, wind, seismicity, oil and gas resources, and oceanography.

» group + resources = agrupar recursos.

Example: A better model might group resources by the means by which they are linked to the interface, rather than by spurious attempts to clump resources by type = Una mejor manera de hacerlo sería agrupando recursos por la forma en la que se conectan a la interfaz y no intentando erróneamente agruparlos por tipos.

» human resource management = gestión de recursos humanos.

Example: Personnel recruitment is an important part of human resource management and thus a significant means in improving effectiveness.

» human resource manager = encargado de recursos humanos, responsable de recursos humanos, jefe de recursos humanos.

Example: Conflict resolution and improving overall workplace moral is a key part of the role of a human resource manager.

» human resources = recursos humanos. [Personal con el cuenta una organización]

Example: The impression left by the two early attempts to create universal bibliographic control was that the creation of one universal source of reference was beyond human resources and resourcefulness.

» information resources = recursos informativos.

Example: The use of networking to optimise use of information resources will increase the university's competitive edge, but only a minority of universities have the funds to support a fully 'wired-up' campus.

» Information Resources Management (IRM) = Gestión de los Recursos de Información (IRM). [Todas aquellas tareas que se realizan para mejorar el almacenamiento y recuperación de la información y sus distintos tipos de soporte en una organización]

Example: Information Resources Management (IRM) can put an organisation in a unique position to focus its internal and external information resources on the achievement of its mission or competitive advantage.

» ISBD(ER) (International Standard Bibliographic Description for Electronic Resources) = ISBD(ER) (Descripción Bibliográfica Normalizada Internacional para Recursos Electrónicos).

Example: This article provides a detailed indication of the stipulations of the ISBD(ER).

» learning resource centre (LRC) = centro de recursos para el aprendizaje (CRA).

Example: The article 'Computer games in the learning resources center? You bet!' discusses some of the benefits of using computer games in education.

» leave (up) to + Posesivo + own resources = tener que arreglárselas solo, dejar que Alguien se las arregle solo.

Example: The new entrepreneur is largely left up to his own resources & connections & must possess the initiative to circumvent rules & take advantage of loopholes.

» library resources = recursos bibliotecarios.

Example: This article discusses the organisation of the proposed Open Polytechnic and the contribution of the Robert Maxwell publishing empire, as well as its implications for library resources.

» licensed electronic resources = recursos electrónicos por suscripción.

Example: In this online course for all types of libraries, we'll cover how to select and evaluate free and licensed electronic resources.

» licensed resources = recursos electrónicos por suscripción.

Example: This is particularly important for the managers of licensed resources.

» literature resources = recursos bibliográficos.

Example: This is a collection of organized, annotated links to children's literature resources available on the web.

» LRTS (Library Resources and Technical Services) = LRTS (Servicios Técnicos y de Recursos para la Biblioteca). [Revista de biblioteconomía]

Example: Of particular interest are the progress and code revision series and summaries which have been appearing in Library Resources and Technical Services (LRTS), the official publication of the Resources and Technical Services Division.

» material resources = recursos materiales.

Example: If the staff is not competent and client-centered, these material resources will not be effectual in meeting community needs.

» media resource centre = centro de recursos multimedia. [Colección de documentos generalmente no bibliográficos, materiales para su creación y producción y equipo para su consulta y presentación]

Example: A media resource centre is a collection of mainly non-book documents, material for their creation and production, and equipment for their consultation and presentation.

» mineral resource = recurso mineral.

Example: The term mineral resources covers all solid earth materials that are mined to make modern life possible.

» mobilise + resources = conseguir recursos, utilizar recursos.

Example: These organizations also had a secondary purpose of alerting the community to emerging problems for which resources needed to be mobilized.

» natural gas resources = recursos de gas natural.

Example: This is a means to monetize stranded natural gas resources around the world.

» natural resource = recurso natural.

Example: This article gives a sampling of the types of data these agencies provide, covering the areas of agriculture, Department of Corrections, transportation and highway patrols, natural resources and revenues.

» network resource = recurso de la red.

Example: Gopher is a simple but powerful system that provides easy, menu-driven access to many network resources.

» non-renewable resource = recurso no renovable.

Example: The resources that cannot be replenished by the environment are called the non-renewable resources.

» oil resources = recursos petrolíferos.

Example: Topics covered include geology, satellite imagery, nuclear energy, solar energy, geothermal enery, wind, seismicity, oil and gas resources, and oceanography.

» online resource = recurso en línea.

Example: Historians will be dependent upon librarians to guide them through a maze of online and print resource.

» pool + resources = compartir recursos.

Example: All agencies, it was found, were stretched to the limit, but by pooling resources these might be made to go further.

» primary resource = recurso principal.

Example: The reference collection is one of the primary resources of effective service.

» print resource = recurso impreso.

Example: Historians will be dependent upon librarians to guide them through a maze of online and print resources.

» PURL (Persistent Uniform Resource Locator) = PURL (Localizador Uniforme Permanente de Recursos).

Example: A PURL (Persistent Uniform Resource Locator) is functionally an URL but instead of pointing directly to the location of an Internet resource, it points to an intermediate resolution service.

» reference resource = obra de referencia, recurso de referencia, obra de consulta.

Example: The author provides an annotated subject bibliography in order to bring to light these valuable reference resources.

» renewable resource = recurso renovable.

Example: The manufacture car trims reinforced with natural fibers which contain approx. 80% materials from renewable resources.

» resource allocator = distribuidor de recursos.

Example: Archivists and conservators will need to explore new strategies to communicate preservation needs to resource allocators to ensure continued support for the preservation of our documentary heritage.

» resource base = recursos.

Example: For New Zealand university libraries the emergence of large fee-based document delivery systems accessible via existing international electronic networks has provided an opportunity to escape the shackles of a limited national library resource base.

» resource-based = basado en los recursos, mediante el uso de los recursos.

Example: The librarian must create in the school a climate of opinion in which the concept of resource-based learning can flourish.

» resource book = libro de prácticas, cuaderno de prácticas.

Example: This resource book presents 37 behavioral experiments that can be performed with commonly-found classroom animals including hamsters, gerbils, mice, goldfish, guppies, lizards, kittens, and puppies = Este cuaderno de prácticas contiene 37 experimentos conductistas que se pueden realizar con animales que comúnmente se usan en los laboratorios de las escuelas como los hámsters, jerbos, ratones, peces de colores, lebistes, lagartijas, gatitos y cachorros.

» resource centre = centro de recursos.

Example: There are also a growing number of local resource centres providing facilities and support for community groups and trade unionists.

» resource centre material = material del centro de recursos.

Example: Non-book materials, then, may include any library information or resource centre materials, other than books or monographs.

» resource curse, the = maldición de los recursos, la. [Expresión usada para referirse a aquellos países que aun siendo ricos en recursos naturales son pobres en cuestiones sociales, educativas, económicas, etc]

Example: Equatorial Guinea struck oil in 1995 and is usually cited as a textbook case of the resource curse -- or the paradox of plenty.

» resource discovery = búsqueda de recursos. [En Internet, acción de usar normalmente algún programa automatizado para examinar el contenido de las páginas Web e indizar su contenido para facilitar su búsqueda]

Example: In the past few years the issue of 'resource discovery' on the Internet has been the focus of much work by many different communities.

» resource file = fichero de recursos humanos. [Lista de las personas, instituciones, asociaciones, etc. de una comunidad a las que el usuario puede dirigirse para cualquier tipo de ayuda o interés]

Example: And in chapter five mention was also made of the central feature of such services -- the specially compiled resource file or index of names and places to which enquirers can be referred for specialist advice and help.

» resource guide = repertorio bibliográfico.

Example: A particular form of guide to available resources in specific subject fields is that called variously, literature guides, resource guides, source books or, indeed, other similar names.

» resource-intensive = que utiliza muchos recursos.

Example: Cataloguing remains a resource-intensive activity, and automated cataloguing would have many useful applications.

» resource library = biblioteca de recursos. [Biblioteca que además de material bibliográfico contiene todo tipo de material de apoyo necesario para una disciplina o institución]

Example: The article 'Just the ticket' describes how a resource library can provide answers to many questions that concern anxious health care users = El artículo "Como anillo al dedo" describe cómo una biblioteca de recursos puede dar respuesta a muchas cuestiones que preocupan a los usuarios de la asistencia sanitaria.

» resource person [resource people -pl.] = experto en recursos.

Example: The author explains the role of an information professional as a resource person attached to a research team.

» resource-poor = pobre en recursos.

Example: The author discusses how the reference services of resource-poor libraries in developing countries can be improved.

» resource-rich = rico en recursos.

Example: Small libraries are often more successful at effective automation than the large resource-rich research libraries.

» resource room = laboratorio.

Example: The school design consisted of five classrooms, two seminar rooms, and a resource room grouped around a common room.

» resource sharing = uso compartido de recursos, recursos compartidos.

Example: The Interlibrary Loan System increases resource sharing by providing effective loan processing.

» resource-starved = falto de recursos, sin recursos.

Example: Librarians trained in developed countries face severe psychological problems on their return to their resource-starved home countries where librarianship is a low-status, poorly-regarded, unappreciated profession.

» scholarly resource = recurso académico.

Example: A rude awakening may be in store when they discover that their college or university professors require them to use scholarly resources.

» school resource centre = centro de material didáctico escolar. [Institución encargada de contener material didáctico especial de uso común por las escuelas de una región/provincia/estado]

Example: This article considers the impact of cooperation on collections and technical services in school resource centres belonging to multistate, multitype library network.

» self help resources = recursos de información autodidácticos.

Example: Education and self help resources raise awareness and can help prevent domestic violence.

» stretch + Posesivo + resources = sobrecargar los recursos, mermar los recursos, exigir demasiado a los recursos.

Example: While joint projects are a good thing, they can also fragment our energies and stretch our resources.

» tap into + resources = hacer uso de recursos, utilizar recursos.

Example: MANTIS taps into unique information resources that are not typically indexed by other databases.

» tap + resources = utilizar recursos, aprovecharse de recursos.

Example: Scholars have only begun to tap multimedia resources.

» URC (Uniform Resource Characteristics) = URC (Características Uniformes de Recursos).

Example: The Uniform Resource Names (URN) provides unique identifiers for networked resources and the Uniform Resource Characteristics (URC) contains metadata on a networked resource.

» URI (Uniform Resource Identifier) = URI (Identificador Uniforme de Recursos).

Example: This article discusses the history and purposes of Uniform Resource Identifiers (URIs) as well as the role identifiers will play in the deployment of online serials.

» URL (Uniform Resource Locator) = URL (Localizador Uniforme de Recursos). [En Internet, la forma más normal de dar la dirección de caulquier recurso de Internet que se puede acceder a través del World Wide Web]

Example: The URL (Uniform Resource Locator) is the standard way to give the address of any resource on the Internet that is part of the World Wide Web (WWW).

» URN (Uniform Resource Name) = URN (Nombre Uniforme de Recursos).

Example: The general solution to this problem is the development of Uniform Resource Names, or URNs.

» water resource management = gestión de recursos acuíferos.

Example: Indigenous knowledge now surfaces in the fields of human health, aquatic resource management, rural sociology, agricultural education, range management, water resource management, etc..

» water resources = recursos hidrográficos, recursos acuíferos.

Example: The bibliography presents studies on the use of various communications media to inform the public on issues, such as mass transportation, driving safety, water resources, health, pollution, and law enforcement.

resource2 = dotar, dotar de medios, dotar de recursos, equipar, equipar de medios, equipar de medios. 

Example: Britain's maritime defences are not properly resourced or co-ordinated to deal with the threat of terrorist attack, MPs has warned.
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