Resort in spanish


pronunciation: rekuɹ̩soʊ part of speech: noun, verb
In gestures

resort1 = recurso. 

Example: Shared publication continued to be the resort of the smaller publisher.


» as a last resort = como último recurso.

Example: Many use the service only as a last resort (there is a modest charge for it), when they themselves have searched in vain but feel in their bones that the library has it.

» by resort to = recurriendo a, haciendo uso de, echando mano de, por medio de.

Example: It is prohibited to kill or injure an adversary by resort to perfidy.

» in the last resort = en última instancia, como último recurso.

Example: Heaney noted that 'in the first place and in the last resort, libraries are for dear life also'.

» last resort = último recurso.

Example: National libraries adopting this pattern are sometimes referred to as libraries of last resort.

resort2 = centro de vacaciones, centro turístico, complejo turístico, complejo vacacional. 

Example: If workers exceed established standards, they are 'awarded' trips at company expense, vacations at company-owned resorts at reduced rates, or special bonuses or gifts.


» beach resort = centro turístico costero, centro de veraneo costero, centro de vacaciones costero.

Example: Every year millions of people from the most frigid corners of the globe flock to Thai beach resorts in search of winter sun.

» beachside resort = centro turístico costero, centro de veraneo costero, centro de vacaciones costero.

Example: The boom in beachside resorts in America begins in the 1820s.

» coastal resort = centro turístico costero, centro de veraneo costero, centro de vacaciones costero.

Example: Once a small coastal resort perched above the coastline it's now just a mass of apartment blocks right up the hillside.

» health resort = balneario.

Example: In November 1938, the SS built the Ravensbrück Women's Concentration Camp in the Prussian village of Ravensbrück near the former Mecklenburg health resort Fürstenberg.

» holiday resort = centro de vacaciones, centro turístico, complejo turístico, complejo vacacional.

Example: Today, it remains an important holiday resort, receiving 20% of Welsh national tourist income.

» seaside resort = centro turístico costero, centro de veraneo costero, centro de vacaciones costero.

Example: The study showed that seaside resorts, spas, retirement towns and administrative centres were more likely to have good bookshop than industrial towns.

» seaside tourist resort = centro turístico costero, centro de vacaciones costero, centro de veraneo costero.

Example: It shows that tourist bed occupancy rates were highest during summer months, when the majority of tourists visit seaside tourist resorts.

» ski resort = estación de esquí.

Example: This is a 5 day residential programme of leadership training for librarians early in their careers held at a ski resort near Salt Lake City.

» summer resort = centro de veraneo, centro turístico.

Example: The present summer, coming as it does in the midst of a period of almost unexampled prosperity, will test the capacity of most summer resorts.

» tourist resort = centro turístico, centro de vacaciones.

Example: More than 200 Finnish citizens in Thailand and Sri Lanka tourist resorts fell victims to the tsunami.

» vacation resort = centro de vacaciones, centro turístico.

Example: Admission to a spa is often offered as a part of a complete package in a vacation resort.

» winter resort = estación de invierno.

Example: With the increase in the number of snowboarders, the degree of conflict situations with skiers seems likely to increase at winter resorts.

resort to3 = recurrir a. 

Example: These limitations are partially tackled by AACR2 by resorting to rules for special cases.


» by resorting to = recurriendo a, haciendo uso de, echando mano de, por medio de.

Example: A safer and more prosperous future requires us to recognize that violent extremism can't be justified by resorting to religion.

» resort to + the use of = recurrir al uso de.

Example: Class 911 is, however, subdivided into physical geography and human geography before the use of the colon is resorted to.

resort4 = volver a ordenar, reordenar. 

Example: Almost as an afterthought we find a mention of mechanical devices for sorting and resorting index cards.

Resort synonyms

recourse in spanish: , pronunciation: rikɔrs part of speech: noun repair in spanish: , pronunciation: rɪper part of speech: noun, verb haunt in spanish: , pronunciation: hɔnt part of speech: verb, noun refuge in spanish: , pronunciation: refjudʒ part of speech: noun recur in spanish: , pronunciation: rɪkɜr part of speech: verb playground in spanish: , pronunciation: pleɪgraʊnd part of speech: noun hangout in spanish: , pronunciation: hæŋaʊt part of speech: noun fall back in spanish: , pronunciation: fɔlbæk part of speech: verb vacation spot in spanish: , pronunciation: veɪkeɪʃənspɑt part of speech: noun stamping ground in spanish: , pronunciation: stæmpɪŋgraʊnd part of speech: noun holiday resort in spanish: , pronunciation: hɑlədeɪrɪzɔrt part of speech: noun
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