Resolve in spanish


pronunciation: resoʊlbeɹ̩ part of speech: verb, noun
In gestures

resolve1 = resolución, determinación, propósito, decisión. 

Example: Their faces show the stern resolve and strength of people who have no time to shilly-shally.

resolve2 = resolver, solventar. 

Example: The technology can, at the same time, be used to make its single greatest contribution by serving as the medium by which the incompatible requirements imposed on the catalog are resolved.


» resolve + a conflict = resolver un conflicto.

Example: This taught her how to resolve a conflict, and also how to stick up for herself when she knew she was right.

» resolve + a dilemma = resolver un dilema.

Example: Perhaps the computer could resolve the dilemma of dead headings vs. buried material.

» resolve + an issue = resolver un problema.

Example: I think the plans to develop networking and an online authority file will do much to resolve the issue.

» resolve + a point = resolver una cuestión.

Example: So it seems to me you should try to resolve this point of approach, whether you're going to approach it from the standpoint of the user or from the standpoint of the group being listed.

» resolve + a problem = resolver un problema.

Example: RLIN (Research Libraries Information Network) is a system used by the Research Libraries Group (RLG), a group dedicated to resolving common problems in collection development, management, access and preservation.

» resolve + a question = resolver una cuestión.

Example: The current environment in higher education is providing an opportunity for librarians to define a future that will ensure their central role in the educational process and thus resolve these remaining age-old questions.

» resolve + a situation = resolver una situación.

Example: The chicken and egg situation has yet to be resolved definitively.

» resolve + Posesivo + differences = resolver las diferencias.

Example: International organizations provide member states with a procedural framework within which to resolve their differences and institutional machinery for cooperative action on a wide variety of issues.

resolve3 = decidir, dirimir. 

Example: Bogardus privately resolved that nothing would induce her to assent to this monstrous possibility.

Resolve synonyms

purpose in spanish: , pronunciation: pɜrpəs part of speech: noun resolution in spanish: , pronunciation: rezəluʃən part of speech: noun settle in spanish: , pronunciation: setəl part of speech: verb answer in spanish: , pronunciation: ænsɜr part of speech: noun, verb conclude in spanish: , pronunciation: kənklud part of speech: verb decide in spanish: , pronunciation: dɪsaɪd part of speech: verb solve in spanish: , pronunciation: sɑlv part of speech: verb declaration in spanish: , pronunciation: deklɜreɪʃən part of speech: noun firmness in spanish: , pronunciation: fɜrmnəs part of speech: noun resoluteness in spanish: , pronunciation: resəlutnəs part of speech: noun

Resolve antonyms

irresolution pronunciation: ɪresəluʃən part of speech: noun irresoluteness pronunciation: ɪresəlutnəs part of speech: noun
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