Resolution in spanish


pronunciation: resoʊluθioʊn part of speech: noun
In gestures

resolution1 = decisión, propósito. 

Example: The Economic and Social Committee and the European Parliament will use it to broadcast their opinions and resolutions.


» New Year's resolutions = buenos propósitos de Año Nuevo.

Example: The article 'Keeping New Year's resolutions while counting down to the new millennium' discusses the following topics: self-discipline; losing weight; stopping smoking; starting an exercise programme; paying off bills; and meeting someone new.

resolution2 = resolución, solución. 

Example: Unfortunately, these factors simultaneously make the resolution of the situation more intractable.


» anaphoric resolution = resolución anafórica. [Determinación del referente de una referencia anafórica]

Example: This article examines the use of anaphoric resolution for document description in information retrieval.

» conflict resolution = resolución de conflictos.

Example: This is a membership organization for the study of military strategy, arms control, regional security and conflict resolution = Ésta es una organización de socios para el estudio de la estrategia militar, el control de armas, la seguridad en las regiones del mundo y la resolución de conflictos.

» effect + a resolution = lograr una solución.

Example: The author uses a parallel story about Willis Joe to counterpoint the one about Slake, till the two are brought together to effect a satisfying resolution to Slake's underground life and his self-imposed 'limbo'.

» peaceful resolution = solución pacífica, resolución pacífica.

Example: Yet one of the Pope's key initiatives stands out for its abject failure: his push for a peaceful resolution to Syria's civil war.

resolution3 = resolución, moción. 

Example: I was one of the cosigners of a resolution which tried to have the ISBD repealed.


» adopt + a resolution = aprobar una moción.

Example: A resolution adopted by the European Parliament in January 1981 emphasizes, amongst other things, that the most important task is to inform the citizens of the Community of the work of the Parliament and of its Members.

» approve + resolution = aprobar una moción.

Example: The European Community's ministers of culture approved in 1985 a resolution concerning cooperation between libraries in the area of automatic data processing.

» pass + a resolution = aprobar una moción.

Example: In a resolution passed by IFLA in 1983 librarians were urged to express their professional solidarity with their colleagues.

resolution4 = resolución, definición. 

Example: For example, when operating with colour and high resolution graphics, a microcomputer might possibly need 20K of storage.


» high resolution = alta resolución.

Example: It integrates into a single system a wide range of IT capabilities, including CD-ROM and WORM optical discs, scanning, OCR, laser printers, low and high resolution displays, softstrips and page formatting techniques = Integra en un único sistema una amplia variedad de medios técnicos, como discos ópticos CD-ROM y WORM, escaneado, OCR, impresoras láser, presentaciones en pantalla de baja y alta resolución, códigos de barras y técnicas para el formateo de páginas.

» low resolution = baja resolución.

Example: It integrates into a single system a wide range of IT capabilities, including CD-ROM and WORM optical discs, scanning, OCR, laser printers, low and high resolution displays, softstrips and page formatting techniques = Integra en un único sistema una amplia variedad de medios técnicos, como discos ópticos CD-ROM y WORM, escaneado, OCR, impresoras láser, presentaciones en pantalla de baja y alta resolución, códigos de barras y técnicas para el formateo de páginas.

Resolution synonyms

resolve in spanish: , pronunciation: rizɑlv part of speech: verb, noun solution in spanish: , pronunciation: səluʃən part of speech: noun result in spanish: , pronunciation: rɪzʌlt part of speech: noun, verb answer in spanish: , pronunciation: ænsɜr part of speech: noun, verb settlement in spanish: , pronunciation: setəlmənt part of speech: noun declaration in spanish: , pronunciation: deklɜreɪʃən part of speech: noun solving in spanish: , pronunciation: sɑlvɪŋ part of speech: noun firmness in spanish: , pronunciation: fɜrmnəs part of speech: noun resolving in spanish: , pronunciation: rizɑlvɪŋ part of speech: noun resoluteness in spanish: , pronunciation: resəlutnəs part of speech: noun resolving power in spanish: , pronunciation: rizɑlvɪŋpaʊɜr part of speech: noun

Resolution antonyms

irresolution pronunciation: ɪresəluʃən part of speech: noun irresoluteness pronunciation: ɪresəlutnəs part of speech: noun
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