Resistance in spanish


pronunciation: resistenθiɑ part of speech: noun
In gestures

resistance = resistencia. 

Example: Many of the problems facing society are so complex, the narrowness and resistance to change by many professions may lead to their extinction because they are not geared to contribute to the solution of those problems.


» aging resistance [ageing resistance] = resistencia al envejecimiento.

Example: Paper from several paper mills in the Slovak and Czech republics was tested to determine its aging resistance.

» antibiotic resistance = resistencia a los antibióticos.

Example: Other highly topical issues are the evolutions of toxins, secretion systems, and antibiotic resistance.

» drought-resistance = resistencia a la sequía.

Example: Drought-resistance has been one of the top priorities for genetic engineers, but for decades, frustratingly few viable products have emerged.

» fire resistance = resistencia al fuego.

Example: Consumers still need to keep in mind that increased fire resistance does not mean there is no fire risk.

» follow + the line of least resistance = seguir el camino más fácil, seguir la ley del mínimo esfuerzo.

Example: The tendency of human nature is to follow the line of least resistance -- like water.

» follow + the path of least resistance = seguir el camino más fácil, seguir la ley del mínimo esfuerzo.

Example: The tendency to follow the path of least resistance guarantees failure in life.

» insulin resistance = resistencia a la insulina.

Example: Insulin resistance is a stop on the road to type 2 diabetes and a possible heart attack.

» line of least resistance, the = camino más fácil, el; ley del mínimo esfuerzo, la.

Example: Too often the shortcut, the line of least resistance, is responsible for evanescent and unsatisfactory success.

» negotiate + resistance = eludir una oposición.

Example: The arrangements should also negotiate resistance to perceived 'American dominance', erode price differentials between Europe and the US, and permit each country to support its own online services.

» nonresistance = no resistencia.

Example: Mennonites are committed to nonviolence, nonresistance, and pacifism.

» path of least resistance, the = camino más fácil, el; ley del mínimo esfuerzo, la.

Example: The path of least resistance is always downhill.

» piece of resistance = ejemplo sobresaliente, obra maestra, producto bandera, producto emblemático, lo mejor de, el orgullo de, la joya de, pieza estrella, modelo en su género, modelo en su clase, joya.

Example: On the other hand, the greatest eye-catcher and the piece of resistance of this incredible home is the wood and iron grand staircase.

» pocket of resistance = foco de resistencia.

Example: Pockets of resistance still remain in Fallujah, but the vast majority of insurgents have been cleared out.

» put up + resistance = ofrecer resistencia, oponer resistencia, defenderse.

Example: As it was me who did the washing-up I didn't put up too much resistence.

» resistance movement = movimiento de resistencia.

Example: With changing political circumstances there is an increased likelihood of low-intensity conflicts which may take the form of guerrilla warfare, coups d'etat, ethnic violence, terrorism, resistance movements or insurgency.

» resistance, the = resistencia, la.

Example: The first option means fighting the resistance, brutalizing, barbarizing and dehumanising both ourselves and our victims, and resulting, at best, in a desolate and desocialized state.

» take + the path of least resistance = elegir la solución más fácil, elegir la solución más cómoda, optar por la solución más fácil, optar por la solución más cómoda, elegir el camino más fácil, elegir el camino más cómodo, optar por el camino más fácil, optar por el camino más cómodo.

Example: The response of libraries in some of these cases has been poor, taking the path of least resistance and not upholding the ALA's Library Bill of Rights.

Resistance synonyms

opposition in spanish: , pronunciation: ɑpəzɪʃən part of speech: noun underground in spanish: , pronunciation: ʌndɜrgraʊnd part of speech: adjective, noun impedance in spanish: , pronunciation: ɪmpidəns part of speech: noun resistor in spanish: , pronunciation: rɪzɪstɜr part of speech: noun resistivity in spanish: , pronunciation: rezɪstɪvɪti part of speech: noun ohmic resistance in spanish: , pronunciation: oʊmɪkrɪzɪstəns part of speech: noun electric resistance in spanish: , pronunciation: ɪlektrɪkrɪzɪstəns part of speech: noun electrical resistance in spanish: , pronunciation: ɪlektrɪkəlrɪzɪstəns part of speech: noun
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