Resigned in spanish


pronunciation: resignɑdoʊ part of speech: adjective
In gestures

resign to1 = resignarse a. 

Example: Respondents were resigned to the expectation that their traditional markets were unlikely to generate growing demand for their products.

resign2 = dimitir, resignar. 

Example: The board of trustees decided to hand Balzac an official reprimand with the warning that if more staff resigned he would be asked to resign himself.


» resign (from) + Posesivo + job = dejar el trabajo, dimitir del trabajo.

Example: Expecting to go to America with her boyfriend, staff nurse Sally Chalmers burnt her boats and resigned her job only to be left behind!.

» resign (from) + Posesivo + office = dejar un cargo.

Example: When Librarian of Congress Luther Evans resigned his office to become director general of UNESCO on 2 Jul 1953, the Eisenhower administration began an immediate search for his successor.

» resign (from) + Posesivo + position = dejar un puesto de trabajo.

Example: She resigned from her position of head of Macmillan Books for Children rather than be involved in restructuring and staff losses in the early 1970s.

» resign (from) + Posesivo + post = dejar el trabajo, dejar el puesto de trabajo, dimitir del trabajo.

Example: However, by Spring 1897 Jones had resigned her post to escape an atmosphere of acrimony, where she had become the victim of sexual discrimination.

resigned = resignado. 

Example: His director being a woman he views her with a mixture of sexist attitudes and resigned acceptance.


» resigned attitude = actitud resignada.

Example: This paper gives examples of 'problem patrons' and violent encounters experienced by librarians, especially in the audiovisual room, and the resigned attitude of library management.

Resigned synonyms

abject in spanish: , pronunciation: æbdʒekt part of speech: adjective hopeless in spanish: , pronunciation: hoʊpləs part of speech: adjective unhopeful in spanish: , pronunciation: ənhɑpəfəl part of speech: adjective
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