Residence in spanish


pronunciation: residenθiɑ part of speech: noun
In gestures

residence = residencia. 

Example: This applies not only to trade but free movement of goods, rights of residence and work and many other aspects of life.


» artist in residence = artista residente.

Example: The works on the walls were created by the artists in residence whom she invites to work at the seminary for a year.

» change + Posesivo + residence = cambiar de residencia, cambiar de domicilio.

Example: It becomes impossible to find the owner of unclaimed money due to the fact that the owner has changed his residence.

» country residence = casa de campo.

Example: S. Augustine's abbey became later the country residence of the abbots.

» doctor in residence = médico residente.

Example: There is normally a doctor in residence who is available for consultation almost any time.

» family residence = residencia para familias.

Example: This article discusses the process of implementing a telecommunications system in a universtiy campus which affected every office, dorm room, and family-residence on campus = Este artículo trata del proceso de implementación de un sistema de telecomunicaciones en un campus universitaria que afectó a todos y cada uno de los despachos, las habitaciones de residencia de estudiantes y las residencias para estudiantes con familia del campus.

» hall of residence = residencia de estudiantes.

Example: The computers connect to the campus network from classrooms, halls of residence, the library and beyond.

» legal residence = residencia legal.

Example: Usually legal residence and tax residence are defined differently in law in that one can be an illegal alien and resident for tax purposes in the same country.

» place of residence = lugar de residencia, domicilio.

Example: For each cancer patient pertinent data on a standard list of characteristics including age, race, sex, place of residence, cancer site, and histologic type was recorded.

» residence hall = colegio mayor, residencia de estudiantes. [En las universidades británicas, nombre dado al edificio administrado por la propia universidad donde residen los estudiantes]

Example: This programme may serve as a model for other university library systems interested in expanding library services and access to library resources to students in thier residence halls.

» residence permit = permiso de residencia.

Example: If you want to stay for more than three months, you must apply for a residence permit.

» student residence = colegio mayor, residencia de estudiantes.

Example: Package B includes full-board accommodation in a student residence in a single or double room with shared bathroom.

» summer residence = residencia de verano.

Example: This was the summer residence of Friedrich II, better known as Frederick the Great.

» take up + residence in = fijar + Posesivo + residencia en, establecer + Posesivo + residencia en, instalarse en, mudarse a, mudarse a vivir a, irse a vivir a, trasladarse a vivir a.

Example: The hawk has a nest nearby where it has taken up residence to protect its young.

» tax residence = residencia fiscal.

Example: Usually legal residence and tax residence are defined differently in law in that one can be an illegal alien and resident for tax purposes in the same country.

» writer in residence = escritor residente.

Example: Writers in residence are expected to teach, lecture to the public and settle fiery online debates about the best way to translate their oeuvre.

» writers in residence programme = programa de escritores en estancia. [Actividad organizada por la biblioteca por la cual invita a un escritor a realizar su trabajo en ella durante un período más o menos largo para fomentar el intercambio de opiniones con los lectores a cambio de ayuda económica]

Example: Talks by popular fiction writers has led to a writers in residence programme.

Residence synonyms

hall in spanish: , pronunciation: hɔl part of speech: noun abode in spanish: , pronunciation: əboʊd part of speech: noun mansion in spanish: , pronunciation: mænʃən part of speech: noun residency in spanish: , pronunciation: rezɪdənsi part of speech: noun manse in spanish: , pronunciation: mæns part of speech: noun abidance in spanish: , pronunciation: æbədəns part of speech: noun mansion house in spanish: , pronunciation: mænʃənhaʊs part of speech: noun
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