Reserve in spanish


pronunciation: reseɹ̩bɑ part of speech: noun
In gestures

reserve1 = reserva. 

Example: News of boundless timber reserves spread, and before long lumberjacks from the thinning hardwood forests of New England swarmed into the uncharted area with no other possessions than their axes and brawn and the clothing they wore.


» animal reserve = reserva de animales.

Example: Several dozen exotic animals were deliberately let loose from an animal reserve, with the owner of the farm killing himself shortly after.

» Army Reserve, the = ejército de reserva, el.

Example: The Army Reserve's citizen-soldiers bring many skills to the table.

» cash reserves = reservas en efectivo, reserva de caja.

Example: When your customers are slow to pay, it forces you to eat into your cash reserves to pay for raw goods and salaries.

» course reserve = colección de préstamo restringido. [En bibliotecas académicas, documentos que un profesor recomienda para su curso y cuyo tiempo de préstamo está limitado de algún modo para dar lugar a que todos los alumnos los puedan utilizar]

Example: Course reserves are items that faculty make available to students enrolled in a particular class.

» ecological reserve = reserva ecológica.

Example: Ecological reserve networks are an important strategy for conserving biodiversity.

» electronic reserve = fondo de recursos electrónicos de acceso restringido. [En una biblioteca, documentos en formato electrónico que generalmente debido a las licencias que los proveedores mantienen con la biblioteca sólo pueden ser consultados por aquellos usuarios que tienen los permisos necesarios]

Example: The user survey revealed that some academics were concerned about the 'spoon-feeding' possibilities of an electronic reserve.

» Federal Reserve, the = Reserva Federal, la; Banco Central Americano, el.

Example: No matter what the Federal Reserve does, traders expect a volatile week ahead.

» game reserve = reserva de animales, coto de caza.

Example: Over 17% of Botswana's land area has been set-aside as national parks and game reserves.

» nature reserve = reserva natural.

Example: The vegetation of this nature reserve is only affected to smaller degrees by grazing and wood cutting due to geographical factors limiting access.

» reserve bank = banco central.

Example: India's central bank, the Reserve Bank of India, says it will withdraw all currency notes printed before 2005 from 31 March.

» special reserve = fondo de consulta en sala.

Example: Few students wanting a specific book from the Special Reserve will make a reservation for it.

» wildlife reserve = reserva de animales, reserva natural, parque natural.

Example: We went expecting to find a bear wildlife reserve but instead found marshland.

reserve2 = reserva. 

Example: This is sometimes called a 'reserve' because the document is reserved for a borrower when it becomes available.


» hold in + reserve = guardar en reserva, tener en reserva.

Example: What is most important is for referral to be regarded as a regular and usual procedure in appropriate cases, one of the quite legitimate weapons in the librarian's armoury, even though one that is normally held in reserve.

» keep in + reserve = guardar en reserva, mantener en reserva, reservar, apartar.

Example: The notation employed by the Library of Congress scheme is based on letters of the alphabet, twenty-one of which have been used and five kept in reserve for further expansion.

» keep on + reserve = mantener en reserva. [En el préstamo, decisión de no permitir que cierto material de mucho uso pueda ser retirado de la biblioteca]

Example: If loan periods are not standardized, staff will have to know what periods apply to which books, how long the books have to be kept on reserve, and so on.

» local reserve store = depósito de reserva.

Example: Provision should be made for a local reserve store where no case can be made under recommendation (iii) for a new library building or extension.

» place + Nombre + in reserve = colocar Algo en reserva, reservar.

Example: Many libraries reported long waiting lists, with a number resorting to placing the book in reserve.

» place + Nombre + on reserve = reservar, colocar Algo en reserva.

Example: The content of these local area databases include course syllabi, class schedules, and materials placed on reserve by instructors.

» reserve army = ejército de reserva.

Example: The regular army is the permanent force of any country's army that is maintained during peacetime, as opposed to those persons who may be part of a reserve army or the national guard.

» reserve book room = reserva de libros.

Example: The library has purchased all of the modules, including: acquisitions; circulation control; cataloguing; periodicals control, reserve book room and online public access catalogue (OPAC).

» reserve book room = fondo de consulta en sala.

Example: The article is entitled 'Anatomy of a small step forward: the Reserve Book Room at San Diego State University'.

» reserve collection = fondo de acceso restringido. [En el préstamo bibliotecario y en una biblioteca de libre acceso, conjunto de materiales a los que el público en general no puede acceder libremente]

Example: Many libraries planned to keep much stock in a reserve collection, not open to the public.

» reserve collection = fondo de consulta en sala. [En el préstamo bibliotecario, conjunto de material de gran uso cuyo préstamo normalmente está restringido por horas]

Example: One aspect of circulation control which often causes problems is the short loan or reserve collection of books which are in great demand for a limited period (e.g. for tutorials) and which are therefore removed from the open shelves and loaned for limited periods sometimes by the hour.

» reserve currency = moneda de reserva, divisa de reserva.

Example: One of the spill-over effects still playing itself out is the decline of the US dollar as the dominant international reserve currency.

» reserve diesel tank = depósito de gasoil de reserva, tanque de gasoil de reserva.

Example: I also fitted a reserve diesel tank that holds 18 litres of diesel that can be drained into the main tank when needed.

» reserve fund = fondo de reserva.

Example: However, in the case when the user's input fails, we would like to void the reserve funds.

» reserve gas tank = depósito de gasolina de reserva, tanque de gasolina de reserva.

Example: There is also a reserve gas tank under the seats bringing the gas capability to over 6 gallons.

» reserve petrol tank = depósito de gasolina de reserva, tanque de gasolina de reserva.

Example: A torpedo bomber was fitted with a reserve petrol tank modified to carry and release fertiliser.

» reserve reading collection = fondo de consulta en sala.

Example: For example, libraries with reserve reading collections might want to make online indexes by professor and course available.

» reserve room = sección para el fondo de consulta en sala.

Example: Dbase was used to expedite many of the labour-intensive activities associated with reserve room processing and provide a stop gap measure until an integrated system was purchased.

» reserve room book = libro de consulta en sala.

Example: Reserve room books may be borrowed for two hours by undergraduates.

» reserve shelves = fondo de consulta en sala.

Example: Students can get material required for classes more readily from courseware offerings than from reserve shelves.

» reserve stock = material de reserva.

Example: Naturally people will handle books before they decide to buy them, which means that no more than a couple of copies of each title should be put out so that reserve stock is prevented from getting grubby.

» reserve store = depósito de reserva.

Example: Subject to local circumstances, the size of a reserve store should be limited to the accommodation required for about five years' accessions at current rates.

reserve3 = reservar. 

Example: This is sometimes called a 'reserve' because the document is reserved for a borrower when it becomes available.


» reserve + books = reservar libros.

Example: The reader has to reserve books on display and wait till the entire display is dismantled.

» reserve + judgement = reservarse la opinión.

Example: There is no doubt that this scheme deserves to succeed, but we live in a harsh world, where success tends to go to the successful rather than to the deserving, and one can only reserve judgement for the next few years.

» reserve + the right to = reservarse el derecho de.

Example: The library reserves the right to obtain and distribute bookmarks with or without advertising from any sources.

Reserve synonyms

book in spanish: , pronunciation: bʊk part of speech: noun hold in spanish: , pronunciation: hoʊld part of speech: verb, noun appropriate in spanish: , pronunciation: əproʊpriət part of speech: adjective spare in spanish: , pronunciation: sper part of speech: verb, adjective retain in spanish: , pronunciation: rɪteɪn part of speech: verb allow in spanish: , pronunciation: əlaʊ part of speech: verb substitute in spanish: , pronunciation: sʌbstətut part of speech: noun, verb reticence in spanish: , pronunciation: retɪsəns part of speech: noun reservation in spanish: , pronunciation: rezɜrveɪʃən part of speech: noun backlog in spanish: , pronunciation: bæklɑg part of speech: noun modesty in spanish: , pronunciation: mɑdəsti part of speech: noun earmark in spanish: , pronunciation: ɪrmɑrk part of speech: verb, noun inactive in spanish: , pronunciation: ɪnæktɪv part of speech: adjective stockpile in spanish: , pronunciation: stɑkpaɪl part of speech: noun taciturnity in spanish: , pronunciation: tæsɪtɜrnɪti part of speech: noun set aside in spanish: , pronunciation: setəsaɪd part of speech: verb military reserve in spanish: , pronunciation: mɪləterɪrɪzɜrv part of speech: noun
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