Reservation in spanish


pronunciation: reseɹ̩bɑ part of speech: noun
In gestures

reservation1 = reserva. 

Example: This system incorporates all the usual functions associated with the issue, return and reservation of library materials.


» airline reservation = reserva de billetes de avión.

Example: Current news, weather, travel information, home shopping, airline reservations, consumer information, film reviews and sports news are available.

» book reservation = reserva de libro.

Example: The author describes the planned operation of the new online public access catalogue (OPAC) and the seat and book reservation system = El autor describe cómo funcionará el nuevo catálogo de acceso público en línea (OPAC) y el sistema de reserva de libros y puestos de lectura.

» central reservation = mediana.

Example: He lived in a tent pitched on the central reservation of the Wolverhampton ring road for over 30 years.

» centre reservation = mediana, mediana de la carretera.

Example: Otherwise, national speed limit on carriageways with no centre reservation is 60mph.

» hotel reservation = reserva de hotel.

Example: The Web site also includes online travel guides to major cities, hotel reservations and flight tracking facilities.

» Indian reservation = reserva india.

Example: The author describes the methodology and findings of a citation analysis on 2 aspects of economic development on Indian reservations.

» make + reservation = hacer una reserva, reservar.

Example: Few students wanting a specific book from the Special Reserve will make a reservation for it.

» reservation form = solicitud de reserva.

Example: The access may entail putting one's name on a reservation form and waiting for weeks, or even months, for a book for which there is a high demand.

» seat reservation = reserva de puestos de lectura.

Example: The author describes the planned operation of the new online public access catalogue (OPAC) and the seat and book reservation system = El autor describe cómo funcionará el nuevo catálogo de acceso público en línea (OPAC) y el sistema de reserva de libros y puestos de lectura.

reservation2 = duda, recelo. 

Example: Microforms are easy to use, although there were early reservations concerning the fact that users need to become familiar with any specific kind of microform and its reader.


» express + reservations = expresar dudas, dudar.

Example: While reservations have been expressed about the festival, its value in enhancing and enriching the cultural life of this part of the country is evident.

» extreme reservations = mucho recelo.

Example: The new laws now being pushed through by them were met with extreme reservations and opposition.

» have + reservations (about) = tener dudas, dudar, ver con recelo, recelar.

Example: Librarians who have reservations about the spread of electronically based services are not Luddites.

» voice + reservations = expresar dudas, dudar.

Example: The author voices reservations about the latest amendments to the Library Act.

» without reservation = sin reservas.

Example: Unfortunately, few of these are verified and convincing enough for us to accept them without reservation.

» with reservations = con reservas.

Example: All three judges agreed, but with reservations.

Reservation synonyms

reserve in spanish: , pronunciation: rɪzɜrv part of speech: noun qualification in spanish: , pronunciation: kwɑləfəkeɪʃən part of speech: noun booking in spanish: , pronunciation: bʊkɪŋ part of speech: noun arriere pensee in spanish: , pronunciation: ɜrɪrpensi part of speech: noun mental reservation in spanish: , pronunciation: mentəlrezɜrveɪʃən part of speech: noun
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