Research in spanish


pronunciation: inbestigɑθioʊn part of speech: noun
In gestures

research1 = investigación. 

Example: Abstracts may be submitted for editing and inclusion in bibliographies and bulletins by staff engaged in research.


» academic research = investigación científica.

Example: However, there remains a considerable number of documents which enter the public domain and which provide invaluable raw material for academic research.

» academic research community = comunidad académica de investigadores.

Example: By having such a restricted view of on-line searching and its potential benefits to researchers, librarians fail to take full advantage of their role in the academic research community = Teniendo una visión tan limitadad de las búsquedas en línea y de su potencial beneficio para los investigadores, los bibliotecarios no sacan al máximo partido a la función que desempeñan dentro de la comunidad académica de investigadores.

» ACRL (Association of College and Research Libraries) = ACRL (Asociación de Bibliotecas Universitarias y de Investigación).

Example: This is a paper presented at the luncheon in honour of academic leaders held at the 5th National Conference of the Association of College and Research Libraries (ACRL) in Cincinnati, USA, on 6 Apr 89.

» action-research = investigación-acción, investigación aplicada. [Investigación que intenta dar solución a un problema acuciante concreto]

Example: One of the recommendations made by the report regarding the development of community information services in Britain was the need for 'an action-research project which could considerably assist the profession's development in this area'.

» a piece of + research = una investigación.

Example: For example, an abstract accompanying a report is intended primarily to permit the manager, sponsor or contractee to evaluate a piece of research = Por ejemplo, un resumen que acompaña a un informe tiene como su principal objetivo permitir al responsable, al patrocinador o al contratista evaluar una investigación.

» area of research = área de investigación.

Example: The general goal is to foster collaboration between the different communities and to showcase research that sits at the border between different areas of research.

» ARL (Association of Research Libraries) = ARL (Asociación de Bibliotecas de Investigación).

Example: A librarian made the announcement that he had in mind that the Library of Congress and about 13 other ARL (Association of Research Libraries) libraries do all of the cataloging for the country.

» ARPAnet (Advanced Research Projects Agency Network) = ARPANet (Red de la Agencia para Proyectos de Investigación Avanzada). [En Internet, precursor de Internet desarrollado al final de los 60 y principios de los 70 por el Departamento de Defensa estadounidense]

Example: ARPANet is the precursor to the Internet, developed in the late 60's and early 70's by the US Department of Defense.

» avenue for further research = línea de investigación posible.

Example: Avenues for further research in this area are identified.

» avenue (for/of) future research = línea de investigación futura.

Example: The author acknowledges the limitations to this approach and suggests avenues for future research.

» avenue (for/of) research = línea de investigación.

Example: One avenue of research that is set to improve information access is to develop technologies for automatically personalizing information.

» BAILER (British Association for Information and Library Education and Research) = BAILER (Asociación Británica para la Educación e Investigación en Documentación y Biblioteconomía).

Example: There is a need for library school to establish a vehicle for collective action such as BAILER (British Association for Information and Library Education and Research) or EUCLID (European Association for Library and Information Education and Research).

» biomedical research = investigación biomédica, investigación en biomedicina.

Example: But in recent years, grand rounds have become didactic lectures focusing on technical aspects of the newest biomedical research.

» carry out + a research = realizar una investigación.

Example: This paper describes research carried out into the use of an on-line bulletin board service aimed at those in the academic community who are interested in applying computing to teaching in the Arts and Humanities.

» Classification Research Group (CRG) = Grupo de Investigación sobre la Clasificación (CRG).

Example: The Classification Research Group (CRG) has been a major force in the development of classification theory, and has made a major contribution towards work on a new general classification scheme.

» clinical research = investigación clínica.

Example: This paper describes ways in which standards for clinical research can help with the activities of data management, data cleaning, and statistical analysis.

» collaborative research = investigación en colaboración.

Example: Similarly, what are the key aspects of virtual research environments which can facilitate collaborative research?.

» conduct + research = realizar una investigación.

Example: Oftentimes, we conduct our research on related areas to help solve problems in our own field.

» consumer research = estudio de mercado, investigación de mercado.

Example: Self-reports are a key source of information in consumer research.

» cooperative research = investigación cooperativa, colaboración en la investigación.

Example: Some member institutions from the USA, Europe and Australia will continue cooperative research.

» desk research = investigación de despacho, revisión biblográfica.

Example: She has undertaken desk and field research and produced information sources on nutrition and reproductive health.

» do + research = realizar una investigación, investigar.

Example: Optical storage media can facilitate the type of research done in academic libraries.

» double-blind research study = ensayo doble ciego.

Example: A double-blind research study is one in which neither the subject nor the investigator knows what treatment (if any) the subject is receiving.

» educational research = investigación en educación, investigación educativa, investigación pedagógica.

Example: Users of the service come from tertiary institutions, government departments or organisations undertaking educational research.

» empirical research = investigación empírica.

Example: Unfortunately, as I have pointed out, there has been very little empirical research carried out into the functions of book reading.

» ESPRIT (European Strategic Program for Research into Information Technology) = ESPRIT (Programa Estratégico Europeo para la Investigación en Tecnología de la Información).

Example: ESPRIT (European Strategic Program for Research into Information Technology) began in 1982 with the objective of providing the basic technologies which European industry needs to compete with the USA and Japan in the information technology field.

» EUCLID (European Association for Library and Information Education and Research) = EUCLID (Asociación Europea para la Educación e Investigación en Biblioteconomía y Documentación).

Example: There is a need for library school to establish a vehicle for collective action such as BAILER (British Association for Information and Library Education and Research) or EUCLID (European Association for Library and Information Education and Research).

» FEDRIP (Federal Research in Progress) = FEDRIP (Investigación Federal en Realización).

Example: Abridged CRISP records are merged into the FEDRIP (Federal Research in Progress) data base.

» field research = investigación de campo.

Example: The article is entitled 'Field Research for Boneheads: From Naivete to Insight on the Green Tortoise'.

» genetic research = investigación genética.

Example: He makes science easy to understand and 'wows' the reader with terrific examples of how modern genetic research is lifting the curtain on human history.

» historical research = investigación histórica.

Example: The archives of the Vatican City contain valuable sources for historical research.

» industrial research = investigación industrial.

Example: The modern creator is a synthesiser, a collator, a commentator, a disputer; collective intellectual endeavour is the norm for industrial research and academe = El autor moderno es un sintetizador, un compendiador, un comentarista, un polemista; el esfuerzo intelectual colectivo es la norma de la investigación industrial y del mundo académico.

» information science research = investigación en documentación, investigación en ciencias de la documentación.

Example: Funding for information science research has declined, especially at the federal levels.

» innovation research = investigación para la creación de innovaciones.

Example: In this study the concept of entropy well-known in information theory and thermodynamics is applied to the fields of scientometrics and innovation research.

» intervention research = investigación de campo.

Example: The title of the article is 'Challenges and strategies for coducting intervention research with culturally diverse populations' = El título del artículo es "Retos y estrategias para realizar investigaciones de campo con poblaciones culturalmente diversas".

» library and information science research = investigación en biblioteconomía y documentación.

Example: This article considers the danger that inherent bias in such research might bring library and information science research into disrepute.

» library research = investigación en biblioteconomía.

Example: This article describes the problems and successes encountered in the use of an interactive video system for teaching basic library research skills.

» library research skills = destreza en la búsqueda de información en una biblioteca.

Example: This article describes the problems and successes encountered in the use of an interactive video system for teaching basic library research skills.

» line of research = línea de investigación.

Example: The lines of research leading up to and forming the subfield of bibliometrics are traced from earliest times to 1969, when this term was proposed as a substitute for statistical bibliography.

» literature of research = investigaciones, las.

Example: The author reviews the literature of research on minority librarianship in the USA (Afro-American, American Indian, Asian American and Mexican American) = El autor analiza las investigaciones sobre la biblioteconomía relacionada con las minorías en los Estados Unidos (Afroamericanos, indio americanos, americanos de origen asiático, americanos de origen mejicano).

» marketing research = estudio de mercado, investigación de mercado.

Example: The future of marketing research is being threatened by increased shortcomings in data quality.

» market research = estudio de mercado, investigación de mercado.

Example: New market research in developing countries requires deep knowledge of the society.

» market research worker = investigador de mercado.

Example: Again, the same subject may be required for a number of reasons, e.g an article on population trends in a certain area may be of interest to the statistician, the actuary, the market research worker, the economist, the sociologist, and so on = De nuevo, pueden existir varias razones por las que se necesita una misma materia, por ejemplo, un artículo sobre los cambios demográficos en una zona determinada puede ser de interés para el estadístico, el actuario de seguros, el investigador de mercado, el economista, el sociólgo, etc.

» medical research = investigación médica, investigación en medicina.

Example: Over the last century, medical research has arguably advanced human health more than all the previous 5000 years combined.

» non-research = no dedicado a la investigación.

Example: The Catch 22 aspect of this attempt by the authors of the AACR to reconcile the needs of research and nonresearch libraries is that our central cataloging agency does not provide dual cataloging copy.

» NREN (National Research and Education Network) = NREN (Red Nacional de Investigación y Educación).

Example: The US federal government is planning a super network or 'information superhighway' -- the National Research and Education Network (NREN) -- which will provide users with high speed access to enormous resources of computing power and enable them to exchange large quantities of computerised information.

» Office of Research and Development (ORD) = Oficina de Investigación y Desarrollo (ORD).

Example: The Office of Research and Development (ORD) develops methodologies and technologies that will improve environmental quality.

» operational research = investigación operativa.

Example: There have been many applications of operational research methods in library management few of which seem to have made a lasting impact.

» operations research = investigaciones operativas. [En gestión, uso de metódos científicos para estudiar el funcionamiento de una institución y desarrollar mejores métodos de planificación]

Example: Operations research is the use of scientific methods to study an organisation's function and to develop better planning methods.

» principal researcher = investigador principal.

Example: The author presents a brief history of superconductivity research and identifies the principal researchers, institutions and sources of information.

» qualitative research = investigación cualitativa.

Example: The author looks at various approaches to research, in particular quantitative and qualitative research, andat the interpretation of findings.

» quantitative research = investigación cuantitativa.

Example: The author looks at various approaches to research, in particular quantitative and qualitative research, andat the interpretation of findings.

» research activity = actividad investigadora, investigación.

Example: Bibliometric analyses confirmed that review articles on topics that are generating high levels of research activity tend to have relatively voluminous bibliographies made up of a disproportionate number of citations to source materials of very recent vintage.

» research agenda = plan de trabajo, programa de investigación.

Example: He proposes a research agenda that could strengthen archival appraisal and the profession's ability to document society.

» research and development institute = instituto para la investigación y el desarrollo.

Example: A higher degree of collaboration between research and development institutes, private industry, and the national government are needed.

» research and development (R&D) = investigación y desarrollo (I+D).

Example: It can nevertheless be a valuable aid to decision-making in such areas as acquisitions and divestitures, R and D planning and new product development.

» research article = artículo de investigación.

Example: They also keep a range of abstracts and indexes that give sources of information concerning research articles.

» research assistant = ayudante de investigación.

Example: His involvement with library education has included the position of research assistant with Polytechnic of Central London Library School in 1966-1967.

» research avenue = línea de investigación.

Example: 'Cultural norms' have foreclosed research avenues in evolutionary studies.

» research centre = centro de investigación, centro de documentación.

Example: This article traces the history of the library, its role as research centre, and discusses its organisation, staffing and collections.

» research collection = colección de investigación. [Generalmente biblioteca de una institución que pretende recoger todo los publicado sobre un tema o una persona]

Example: Gaps in US research collections had become fully apparent only after the libraries of Europe became inaccessible and want lists grew rapidly.

» research community = comunidad académica de investigadores.

Example: By having such a restricted view of on-line searching and its potential benefits to researchers, librarians fail to take full advantage of their role in the academic research community = Teniendo una visión tan limitadad de las búsquedas en línea y de su potencial beneficio para los investigadores, los bibliotecarios no sacan al máximo partido a la función que desempeñan dentro de la comunidad académica de investigadores.

» research community, the = comunidad científica, la.

Example: Pressure for more open access to resources and better library services is building in the research community and academics are writing to Gorbachev urging open access to all kinds of information = La comunidad científica está demandando cada vez más enérgicamente mayor libre acceso a los recursos y mejores servicios bibliotecarios y los académicos le están pidiendo a Gorbachov por escrito el libre acceso a todo tipo de información.

» research contribution = artículo de investigación.

Example: The author analyzes the patterns of research contributions in the field of hydrometallurgy.

» research contribution = contribución a la investigación.

Example: 'Scientific Serials' was his research contribution and the culmination of a lifetime devoted to the study of literature.

» research database = base de datos de investigación.

Example: This dynamic thesaurus is used for intelligent access to research databases.

» research direction = nueva línea de investigación, línea de investigación.

Example: The purpose of this article is to suggest promising research directions in this domain.

» research effort = investigación.

Example: With renewed geologic interest in the Arctic and Antarctic, polar libraries are becoming increasingly important to support the research efforts in these areas.

» research evidence = investigaciones.

Example: Research evidence demonstrates that grade retention does not improve achievement and may increase the chances of a student dropping out of school instead of persisting to graduation.

» research fellow = investigador invitado, colaborador de investigación.

Example: Ed Walley's contribution came about as the result of research he had been conducting into community information services whilst research fellow at the School of Librarianship, Leeds Polytechnic.

» research field = campo de investigación.

Example: The problem of lexicon creation and updating for large textual data bases is particularly difficult for research fields where the terminology evolves rapidly.

» research finding = hallazgo, descubrimiento.

Example: These cases also serve as 'springboards' to more generalized discussions about issues, values, hypotheses, research findings, points of view, and so forth.

» research firm = empresa de investigación.

Example: Others believe that a library should not leave the provision of desired services to commercial establishments and research firms who must make a profit.

» research front = frente de investigación, línea de investigación.

Example: This article presents a method for identifying the research front of a scientific discipline based on constructing cocitation clusters and on a content analysis of citations.

» research grant = beca de investigación.

Example: Graduate students who are either working on research grants or have published academic papers on research in the field are included.

» research grantee = becario de investigación.

Example: The last newsletter discusses the outcomes of a survey of how research grantees disseminate information.

» research group = grupo de investigación, grupo de trabajo.

Example: A number of research groups have investigated the use of knowledge-based systems as a means of avoiding this bottleneck.

» research guide = guía, repertorio bibliográfico.

Example: This is a bibliography identifying a number of research guides and sources intended to help the law librarian make better use of the Internet.

» research initiative = proyecto de investigación.

Example: Our mission has not changed but the perception of the project and its on-going implementation have as other seemingly competitive research initiatives enterer the STM publishing arena.

» research institute = instituto de investigación.

Example: This article gives some opinions on 3 main areas for reform in the library and information service of research institutes.

» research institution = institución de investigación.

Example: This article suggests ways in which these techniques can help librarians in synagogues, schools, community centres and research institutions.

» research journal = revista científica.

Example: The studies also revealed that the research journals received highest credibility among print media for information gathering by the scientists followed by books.

» research laboratory = laboratorio.

Example: Research laboratories are facing many problems regarding the disposal of nuclear waste.

» research leave = permiso sabático para dedicarse a la investigación.

Example: Appointments for research leaves and tenure are still unavailable to some librarians who seem to be faculty in name only.

» research librarian = bibliotecario de referencia. [Principalmente de institución universitaria o de investigación]

Example: The author points out cultural and historical factors that influenced US research librarians in their acquistitions of 20th century manuscripts and books.

» research library = biblioteca de investigación, biblioteca universitaria. [Biblioteca donde se puede realizar una investigación exhaustiva sobre una determinada materia]

Example: Included amongst those libraries are university and large research libraries in the United States and the United Kingdom.

» research librianship = biblioteconomía especializada en las bibliotecas de investigación.

Example: This article offers an account of the processes shaping the professionalisation of college and research librarianship within the framework of 4 contemporary sociological theories.

» research line = línea de investigación.

Example: This paper identifies the significant research influences on practice, and the research lines not yet reflected in operational systems.

» research literature = investigaciones, las; producción científica de investigación.

Example: In the 70s satisfying local demand on research literature became increasingly difficult.

» research materials = documentos producto de investigación.

Example: We have the most comprehensive collection of research materials on chess and checkers in the world.

» research methodology = metodología de investigación.

Example: Since libraries are the lifeblood of research, it seems only fitting then that the education of librarians should include familiarity with research methodology.

» research-oriented = dedicado a la investigación.

Example: They have achieved this by dividing their building into public-oriented and research-oriented levels and sectioning each level into thematic areas.

» research paper = trabajo de investigación. [Tarea de investigación asignada al alumno por el profesor al final de la cual deberá entregar un trabajo escrito]

Example: A separate service location was set up in the library to help students acquire research paper skills necessary for an English Class.

» research paper = artículo de investigación. [Artículo que presenta los resultados, metodología, etc. de una investigación realizada]

Example: The abstracts of research papers will typically have each of the following: the purpose and scope of the investigation; the methodology employed; the results obtained; the conclusions drawn; incidental findings.

» research park = parque tecnológico.

Example: Aarhus research park provides a model for cooperation between such research environments and research libraries.

» research performance = rendimiento en la investigación.

Example: The author applies indicators of research performance and indicators of sources used to the fields of immunology, neuroscience and pharmacognosy.

» research periodical = revista de investigación, revista científica.

Example: The value of the research periodical has never been well understood.

» research policy = política científica.

Example: Research policy at the European Community level has itself come under scrutiny.

» research productivity = productividad investigadora.

Example: Danton's study stressed 2 urgent issues: the need for financial support in doctoral programmes and the low research productivity of doctoral students.

» research project = proyecto de investigación.

Example: AGREP is a data base which provides an inventory of agricultural research projects conducted in EEC member states.

» research proposal = propuesta de proyecto de investigación.

Example: A research proposal is a document that describes the essential features of a study to be conducted in the future, as well as the strategy whereby the inquiry may be logically and successfully accomplished.

» research protocol = protocolo de investigación.

Example: Since reference service occurs at the point-of-need, that library function is the logical conduit for an informal training programme based on research protocols.

» research publication = publicación científica.

Example: Because of the cost of producing print on paper in the Gutenberg era, research publication had to adopt the same economic model as trade publication, and research libraries the world over paid the hefty price = Debido al coste de la impresión en papel en la era de Gutenberg, las publicaciones científicas tuvieron que adoptar el mismo modelo económico que las publicaciones comerciales y las bibliotecas universitarias de todo el mundo pagaron un precio elevado.

» research question = tema de investigación.

Example: It is an issue that directly impacts upon us as information professionals, and one that offers us a large number of potential research questions that need answering.

» research report = informe del resultado de una investigación. [Informe que presenta los resultados obtenidos de una investigación o de un avance técnico]

Example: Note that these provisions do not include research reports which have been prepared within a government agency but specifically authored by an individual = Nótese que estas disposiciones no afectan a informes de investigaciones procedentes de una agencia gubernamental aunque realizados concretamente por un individuo.

» research scholar = investigador.

Example: He was a dauntless adventurer, a sleuthhound, a research scholar of exceptional acuity.

» research scientist = investigador.

Example: The article 'Lovely idea, but unlovely pricing' criticizes the pricing level of a new service aimed at research scientists in the pharmaceutical, chemical, and biotechnology companies.

» research staff = personal investigador.

Example: This initiative has played a key role in ensuring that the important contribution of research staff is more widely recognised.

» research strategy = estrategia de investigación.

Example: Supporting material -- cartoons, quotations and humorous excerpts -- are used to keep students intrigued and clues are allowed if students are unable to formulate a research strategy.

» research student = becario de investigación.

Example: The following procedure defines the process for hiring any research student into the labs.

» research supervisor = director de tesis.

Example: This will provide research supervisors with important information about how best to structure their supervision in order to guide students toward timely completion.

» research team = equipo de investigación, equipo investigador.

Example: The research team's immediate aim was to assist this group to become effective users of the Internet.

» research technique = técnica de investigación.

Example: It is therefore necessary to implement an effective educational programme in research techniques at the tertiary level.

» research tool = herramienta de investigación.

Example: The article 'How Shepard's Citation lost its flock' notes the difficulties involved in teaching law students the intricacies of research tools such as Shepard's Citation.

» research topic = tema de investigación.

Example: Lists of possible research topics are included = Se incluyen listados de posibles temas de investigación.

» research trip = visita por razones de investigación, visita por motivos de investigación.

Example: Microform offers a less costly alternative to purchasing original materials, on the one hand, and to trans-Atlantic research trips, on the other.

» research unit = centro de investigación, departamento de investigación.

Example: For 10-15 years, largely computer-aided analyses in vast bibliographic data bases have been used for the evaluation of the publishing activities of research units.

» research user = investigador.

Example: This article examines opportunities for collaboration between specialists and research users in creating information-managing tools.

» research visit = visita por razones de investigación, visita por motivos de investigación.

Example: The author presents the findings of a research visit to the USA to assess the production, management and use of electronic theses.

» research work = trabajo de investigación.

Example: The library has contributed to the Estonian national retrospective bibliography, cooperated on research work with other libraries and contributed to various all-union and international catalogues and bibliographies.

» research worker = investigador.

Example: The National Institute of Nutrition has a library which operates round the clock for students and research workers.

» research writing = redacción científica.

Example: The article has the title 'Improving the effectiveness of research writing'.

» research writings = producción científica.

Example: Findings indicate that the research writings of the discipline cite periodical articles most heavily.

» scholarly research = investigación científica.

Example: The author examines the principal categories of libraries that supplement the resources of academic libraries in supporting scholarly research: (1) subscription libraries; (2) scientific societies; (3) historical societies; (4) donor-endowed libraries = El autor analiza las principales categorías de bibliotecas que complementan los recursos de las bibliotecas académicas en apoyo de las investigaciones científicas: 1) bibliotecas de suscripción, 2) sociedades cientificas, 3) sociedades históricas, 4) bibliotecas mantenidas por las donaciones de una fundación.

» scientific research = investigación científica.

Example: There is a conflict between specialisation and interdisciplinary studies in education and in scientific research.

» scientific research community, the = comunidad científica, la.

Example: The concern about alcohol marketing and underage drinking has been heightened by recent findings in the scientific research community.

» scientific research meeting = reunión científica.

Example: The task of putting abstracts together for the programme of a scientific research meeting is a sizeable problem in information management.

» survey research = investigación mediante sondeos, sondeos, encuestas.

Example: Survey research is used to determine what kind of post mortem appraisals companies undertake concerning their abandoned information systems development projects.

» team research = investigación en equipo.

Example: From the representative data collected for the last 4 decades, a tendency towards team research can be observed in geology as a whole.

» translational research = investigación traslacional.

Example: Translational research provides a much needed bridge of communication between highly specialized research scientists and physicians.

» undertake + research = realizar una investigación.

Example: The department undertakes teaching and research in library and information studies.

» web-based research guide = portal de Internet.

Example: As indicated in the introduction, commercial vendors are already entering into this arena by auctioning reference service and producing web-based research guides.

research2 = investigar. 

Example: Archival history is still insufficiently researched.


» research + paper = preparar un trabajo de clase.

Example: In the early days of bibliographical databases, undergraduates students could be seen using them to research papers for literature courses.

Research synonyms

search in spanish: , pronunciation: sɜrtʃ part of speech: noun inquiry in spanish: , pronunciation: ɪnkwaɪri part of speech: noun explore in spanish: , pronunciation: ɪksplɔr part of speech: verb enquiry in spanish: , pronunciation: ɪnkwaɪri part of speech: noun
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