Rescue in spanish


pronunciation: reskɑte part of speech: noun, verb
In gestures

rescue1 = rescate, salvamento. 

Example: The article 'Cavalry to the rescue' describes how a library experimented with the use of temporary employees for the purpose of shelving and shelf reading.


» come to + Posesivo + rescue = acudir al rescate, venir al rescate, salir al rescate.

Example: She pleaded, futilely, in broken French, until an elderly man, hearing the commotion, came to her rescue.

» go to + Posesivo + rescue = acudir al rescate, ir al rescate, salir al rescate.

Example: Seeing a girl being smacked in the face and hit over the head as she tried to escape the mob, he went to her rescue.

» rescue crew = equipo de rescate, equipo de salvamento.

Example: Both rescue crews and families are maintaining a 'sliver of hope' that the four missing miners made it to one of the airtight chambers.

» rescue dog = perro de rescate, perro de rastreo.

Example: The services is made up of three avalanche rescue dogs, five policemen, and two detonation experts.

» rescue effort = labor de rescate, tarea de rescate, operativo de rescate.

Example: Rescue efforts in Haiti are said to be going slowly after Tuesday's earthquake left tens of thousands dead.

» rescue operation = operación de rescate.

Example: The officials and the workers involved in the rescue operations were racing against time to save the child.

» rescue team = equipo de rescate, equipo de salvamento.

Example: When the area was jolted by a severe earthquake rescue teams rushed in from all over the country.

» rescue work = operaciones de rescate, trabajos de rescate, labores de rescate.

Example: After the disastrous earthquake in Armenia in December 1988, many international teams assisted in the rescue work in response to an official request from the Soviet authorities.

» search and rescue dog = perro de búsqueda y rescate, perro salvavidas.

Example: All throughout the night, our soldiers worked with their specially-trained search and rescue dogs to locate casualties trapped in the rubble.

» search and rescue mission = misión de búsqueda y rescate, operación de búsqueda y rescate, operación de salvamento.

Example: Search and rescue missions include a variety of missions: searches for lost hunters, hikers, or Alzheimer's patients, missing aircraft, etc.

» search and rescue operation = operación de búsqueda y rescate, operación de salvamento.

Example: The team consists of approximately 40 volunteers skilled in search and rescue operations in mountain, canyon and urban settings.

» search and rescue (SAR) = búsqueda y rescate.

Example: Canada's search and rescue (SAR) services are facing increased pressure from changes in tourism, technology, industry and lifestyles.

» search and rescue team = equipo de búsqueda y rescate.

Example: Search and rescue teams should have been better instructed about coordinating with local counterpart organizations.

rescue2 = rescatar, salvar. 

Example: Ill with pneumonia, he is rescued by a subway trainman and taken to Bellevue Hospital.


» rescue from + oblivion = rescatar del olvido.

Example: These archives are still likely to contain obsolete or damaged data which we need to rescue from oblivion.

» rescue + Nombre + from the jaws of = rescatar Algo/Alguien de las garras de.

Example: Everywhere he has gone he has undertaken ambitious reorganizations, and has rescued many a company from the jaws of disaster = En todos los lugares en los que ha estado ha emprendido reestructuraciones ambiciosas, y ha rescatado a más de una compañía de las garras del desastre.

Rescue synonyms

deliver in spanish: , pronunciation: dɪlɪvɜr part of speech: verb delivery in spanish: , pronunciation: dɪlɪvɜri part of speech: noun deliverance in spanish: , pronunciation: dɪlɪvɜrəns part of speech: noun saving in spanish: , pronunciation: seɪvɪŋ part of speech: noun
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