Requisition in spanish


pronunciation: rekisɑɹ̩ part of speech: noun
In gestures

requisition1 = requisición, requisa. 

Example: During the 2nd World War, the requisition policies of Japan resulted in considerable numbers of books in Chinese libraries being transferred to Japanese libraries.

requisition2 = solicitar, requerir. 

Example: More specialised titles are requisitioned through interlending.

requisition3 = requisar, confiscar, incautar. 

Example: The delay could have been avoided, if senior officials were empowered to requisition aircraft from any operator.

Requisition synonyms

sequestration in spanish: , pronunciation: sekwəstreɪʃən part of speech: noun

Requisition antonyms

derequisition pronunciation: derikwɪsɪʃən part of speech: verb
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