Required in spanish


pronunciation: neθesɑɹ̩ioʊ part of speech: adjective
In gestures

require1 = requerir, necesitar. 

Example: The condition approach should require less enumeration of rules for different types of materials, and therefore should require fewer rules.


» require + an exercise of + judgement = necesitar tomar cierto tipo de decisiones.

Example: Although the application of policies requires an exercise of judgment, violation of the policy under the guise of 'flexibility' should be avoided.

» require + attention = requerir atención.

Example: Factors requiring special attention in the planning process in African countries include information needs of illiterates, information needs of women and children and the needs of rural communities.

» require + consideration = requerir atención.

Example: The format of the description in an analytical entry requires careful consideration.

» require + judgement = necesitar tomar cierto tipo de decisiones.

Example: In human indexing some judgement would be required in selecting terms.

require2 = pedir, exigir. 

Example: If the library wants all users to have passwords, an authorization level of 1 can be assigned in the search function to force the system to require a password.



» as required = a medida que se necesite, según se necesite, según sea necesario.

Example: Convenient, cheap and quick to reproduce, so that copies may be supplied as required for branches, other libraries and so on.

» required course = asignatura obligatoria.

Example: Other universities have a small core of required courses and permit students to specialize in such fields as administration, technical services, information science, and school media centers.

» required reading = lectura obligatoria.

Example: This book is highly recommended for all types of libraries, and it should be required reading for librarians who want to correct the wrongs in their chosen profession = Este libro es muy recomendado para todo tipo de bibliotecas y debería ser de lectura obligatoria para aquellos bibliotecarios que quieran corregir los errores de su profesión.

» unrequired = no requerido, no obligatorio.

Example: The key to success is doing the unrequired things that most people don't do.

Required synonyms

necessary in spanish: , pronunciation: nesəseri part of speech: adjective mandatory in spanish: , pronunciation: mændətɔri part of speech: adjective requisite in spanish: , pronunciation: rekwəzət part of speech: adjective compulsory in spanish: , pronunciation: kəmpʌlsɜri part of speech: adjective obligatory in spanish: , pronunciation: əblɪgətɔri part of speech: adjective needed in spanish: , pronunciation: nidəd part of speech: adjective needful in spanish: , pronunciation: nidfəl part of speech: adjective called upon in spanish: , pronunciation: kɔldəpɑn
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