Request in spanish


pronunciation: soʊliθitud part of speech: noun, verb
In gestures

request1 = petición, demanda, solicitud. [Petición de material o información que el usuario realiza a la biblioteca]

Example: Because the co-ordination of index terms in the index description is decided before any particular request is made, the index is termed a pre-co-ordinate index.


» at + Posesivo + request = siempre que lo solicite.

Example: The principal function of any library is to make the information it contains available to the library users at their request.

» at the request of = a petición de, a instancias de.

Example: These articles were prepared at the request of the American Library Association by Jenner & Block, its attorneys.

» document request = petición de documentos por el lector.

Example: Currently, online document request services are possible, but this is not usually a feature of the facilities of any but the largest co-operatives.

» fill + request = satisfacer una petición.

Example: Requests which cannot be filled by local or regional libraries are automatically routed by the system to NLM as the library of last resort.

» frame + Posesivo + request = hacer una petición.

Example: The librarian has to consider the needs of the library user and the way they frame their requests.

» grant + a request = conceder una petición.

Example: When Sethi requested more staff, including two reference librarians, the request was granted and he was praised for his progressiveness in reorganizing the division.

» handle + a request = atender a una petición, tramitar una petición.

Example: An error occurred while handling the request in the controller.

» hazy request = ?.

Example: 2 ideas for such interfaces are: possibility theory applied to fuzzy data retrieval, with hazy data and/or requests; and a machine learning technique applied to learning the user's deep need.

» interlibrary loan request = petición de préstamo interbibliotecario.

Example: Statistics were obtained on literature searches conducted during 1976; these were compared with interlibrary loan requests submitted during that period, as well as during the previous year.

» interlibrary loan request form = papeleta de petición de préstamo interbibliotecario.

Example: Having ascertained that the required book is not in the stock of his own library, the reader will complete an interlibrary loan request form.

» loan request = petición de préstamo.

Example: Roy Adams has developed an intelligent terminal capable of storing loan requests and transmitting them to the British Library Lending Division (BLLD).

» match + request specification = cumplir la condición de la búsqueda.

Example: The second search strategy is the more conventional Boolean type; for this, the output is of course not ranked -- a document either matches the request specification or it doesn't.

» meet + a request = satisfacer una petición.

Example: The French National Lending Centre is part the Bibliotheque Nationale, and works closely with its parent institution to meet the requests received.

» online search request form = papeleta de petición de búsqueda en línea. [En la búsqueda en línea, hoja que el usuario rellena detallando la información que desea que el bibliotecario haga para él]

Example: The redesign of the on-line search request forms, undertaken by Wichita State University, Ablah Library, Kansas, is described.

» on request = disponible a petición, a petición del usuario, a medida que se necesite, según se necesite, cuando se solicite.

Example: The full query set is available for examination and experimental use on request.

» photocopy request form = papeleta de petición de fotocopias. [En el préstamo interbibliotecario, hoja que el usuario rellena detallando los documentos, normalmente artículos, de los que desea fotocopia]

Example: It is hoped that the creation of a union catalogue of serials, together with a standard photocopy request form, will increase the number of user requests satisfied.

» place + request = hacer una petición.

Example: A request is placed for documents by A N Whitehead.

» place + request for = hacer una petición de.

Example: When a request is placed for information about a compound subject, the elementary concepts constituting that compound are searched for individually.

» pose + a request = hacer una petición.

Example: For instance, a request posed to the computer search for the occurrence of an individual term usually results in a statement which gives the number of documents whose records are stored in association with that terms.

» print request = petición de impresión.

Example: The command function 'DELETE' is used to delete search terms or print requests.

» process + an order request = tramitar una petición.

Example: This article describes how INNOVACQ acquisitions system can be used to process order requests for out of print materials.

» request form = formulario de petición, papeleta de pedido, papeleta de petición. [En una biblioteca de acceso controlado, hoja que se rellena con los datos del documento deseado y que se entrega al bibliotecario para que éste se lo proporcione del depósito]

Example: This finding led to substantial changes in the design of the request form, which now takes the form described in chapter 25.

» request-oriented indexing = indización según la demanda. [En lenguajes documentales, indización que consiste en asignar encabezamientos a los documentos que respondan a la terminología usada por los usuarios para recuperarlos]

Example: Hutchins' and Moron's concepts of aboutness are described and compared to Soergel's ideas of request-oriented and entity-oriented indexing.

» RFC (Request for Comments) = RFC (Abierto al Debate). [En Internet, documento que recoge una cuestión o una norma para que los demás usuarios de la red opinen sobre ella]

Example: Anyone can put an RFC (Request for Comments) together, commenting on a particular issue or developing a standard he or she would like to see discussed.

» satisfy + a hold request = satisfacer una petición de reserva.

Example: If there are extended loans in the loan policy, only copies out on extended loan will be used to satisfy hold request.

» satisfy + Posesivo + request for information = atender a una petición de información.

Example: In the attempt to satisfy your particular request for information, you would not expect to have to examine every document in that collection.

» search request = búsqueda, petición de búsqueda.

Example: The search request is displayed on the screen and assigned a number in the extreme left column.

» service + a request = atender a una petición.

Example: In most disk drive systems, the heads move from one location to another to service those requests.

» stack request = petición del depósito. [Petición que se hace de un documento del depósito]

Example: On this screen, a 'y' may be entered to make a stack request.

» submit + a search request = hacer un petición de búsqueda.

Example: Hypersearch performs a very fast serial search of the complete database when a search request is submitted.

» upon + request = siempre que se solicite, cuando se solicite.

Example: Article 17 reads: 'Persons entitled to the privileges of the Library shall, upon request, open their parcels for inspection upon leaving the Library'.

» upon request of = a petición de.

Example: The Board will meet upon written notification by its President or upon request of at least three members from the Board.

» user request [users' request] = petición de usuario. [Cualquier demanda de documentos que el usuario hace la biblioteca, generalmente porque ésta no los tiene]

Example: It is hoped that the creation of a union catalogue of serials, together with a standard photocopy request form, will increase the number of user requests satisfied.

» variance request = solicitud de excepción a la norma.

Example: To receive approval for its hybrid program, Mitchell submitted a variance request that exempts the program from the requirements.

request2 = pedir, solicitar. 

Example: Also, with online display, the user should be able to request displays indicating different levels of specificity.


» request + a document = solicitar un documento.

Example: The borrower identification is required each time a document is requested in self-service mode.

» request + information = pedir información, solicitar información.

Example: Information was requested on more than 30 policy issues ranging from tax reform to toxic waste.

» request + Posesivo + help = pedir ayuda, solicitar ayuda.

Example: In general, never battle the blaze unless the firefighters request your help.

» request + Posesivo + permission = pedir permiso, solicitar permiso.

Example: We hereby request your permission, and when necessary any corporate permission to electronically record your live presentation.

Request synonyms

quest in spanish: , pronunciation: kwest part of speech: noun petition in spanish: , pronunciation: pətɪʃən part of speech: noun bespeak in spanish: , pronunciation: bɪspik part of speech: verb call for in spanish: , pronunciation: kɔlfɔr part of speech: verb asking in spanish: , pronunciation: æskɪŋ part of speech: noun
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