Reputation in spanish


pronunciation: reputɑθioʊn part of speech: noun
In gestures

reputation1 = reputación, prestigio, fama, renombre, estima, honra. 

Example: Various publishers have reputations for specific styles, subject areas or works for specific audiences.


» achieve + a reputation = ganarse una reputación, ganarse la fama de.

Example: Scilken has deservedly achieved a reputation as the consumer advocate and gadfly of the profession during the 12 years of his directorship of the Orange Public Library in Orange, New Jersey.

» acquire + a reputation = ganarse una reputación, ganarse la fama de.

Example: she acquired a reputation as a serious adversary who, short of cheating, would do just about anything to win.

» bad reputation = mala reputación, mala fama.

Example: While it is much better to get off to a good start to begin with, there are things that can be done to clean up a bad reputation.

» besmirch + Posesivo + reputation = dañar + Posesivo + reputación, manchar + Posesivo + reputación, empañar + Posesivo + reputación, deshonrar + Posesivo + reputación.

Example: Haydon himself was largely responsible for besmirching Knight's reputation as a connoisseur and a gentleman.

» build up + Posesivo + reputation = ganarse una reputación.

Example: Having built up your reputation for over half a century you have managed to kill it stone dead in only a few seconds.

» clean up + a bad reputation = quitarse una mala reputación.

Example: While it is much better to get off to a good start to begin with, there are things that can be done to clean up a bad reputation.

» drag + Posesivo + (good) reputation through the mud = manchar + Posesivo + (buena) reputación, ensuciar + Posesivo + (buena) reputación.

Example: The media would thoughtlessly drag her good reputation through the mud just to make a few more dollars.

» earn + a reputation as = ganarse la fama de.

Example: It has earned a reputation as a watchdog and consumers union in the medical equipment industry with its international problem reporting network, published in HEALTH DEVICES ALERTS (HDA) on DIALOG.

» good reputation = buena reputación, buena fama.

Example: A good reputation is more valuable than money.

» have + a bad reputation = tener una mala reputación.

Example: Despite having a bad reputation and a negative connotation, hypnosis is in fact a positive process that has been used for thousands of years.

» have + a good reputation = tener una buena reputación.

Example: You may think that your reputation as a landlord is not important, but having a good reputation pays off in many ways.

» ill reputation = mala reputación, mala fama. 

Example: Untruth brings about ill reputation and indignity.

» keep + Posesivo + reputation = mantener + Posesivo + reputación, conservar + Posesivo + reputación.

Example: She's also expected to always be the #1 athlete and keep her reputation squeaky clean.

» live up to + Posesivo + reputation = hacer honor a + Posesivo + fama.

Example: On Saturday night she lived up to her reputation, first as a feisty dame then as a consummate professional performer.

» long-standing reputation = reputación muy antigua.

Example: It has had a long-standing reputation of being a city of free thinkers: artists, writers, people who march to a different drum, and people who don't march at all..

» reputation + spread = reputación + extender.

Example: The reputation of modern Swedish children's literature has spread to many countries and it is frequently translated -- in fact more than adult literature.

» save + Posesivo + reputation = salvaguardar la reputación.

Example: She was being asked to forego it to save his precious reputation.

» secure + a reputation = ganarse una reputación, ganarse la fama de.

Example: In the field of cataloguing he streamlined the cataloguing process and secured an international reputation with his cataloguing code and subject headings list.

» smirch + Posesivo + reputation = dañar + Posesivo + reputación, manchar + Posesivo + reputación, empañar + Posesivo + reputación, deshonrar + Posesivo + reputación.

Example: The same method could be followed to smirch the reputation of any race.

» tarnished reputation = mala reputación, mala fama, reputación dañada.

Example: Changing perceptions and improving tarnished reputations is a huge task that will take considerable time.

» tarnish + Posesivo + reputation = dañar + Posesivo + reputación, manchar + Posesivo + reputación, empañar + Posesivo + reputación, deshonrar + Posesivo + reputación.

Example: It is deeply regrettable that the venal activities of a few individuals have tarnished the reputation of thousands of honest people.

reputation2 = acreditación. 

Example: The reputation of the information and its authority will be more exposed to examination.

Reputation synonyms

report in spanish: , pronunciation: ripɔrt part of speech: noun, verb repute in spanish: , pronunciation: ripjut part of speech: noun

Reputation antonyms

discredit pronunciation: dɪskredət part of speech: verb, noun disrepute pronunciation: dɪsrɪpjut part of speech: noun
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