Reproductive in spanish


pronunciation: repɹ̩oʊduktiboʊ part of speech: adjective
In gestures

reproductive = reproductor, reproductivo, de reproducción. 

Example: Cataracts, reproductive problems and skin rashes are alleged to result from radiation exposure.


» reproductive health = salud en materia de procreación, salud reproductiva.

Example: She has undertaken desk and field research and produced information sources on nutrition and reproductive health.

» reproductive organ = órgano reproductor.

Example: Your doctor also may do a pelvic exam to find out if your reproductive organs are tender.

» reproductive rights = derechos en materia de procreación, derechos reproductivos.

Example: This article highlights 5 World Wide Web sites giving information on reproductive rights legal history.

Reproductive synonyms

fruitful in spanish: , pronunciation: frutfəl part of speech: adjective generative in spanish: , pronunciation: dʒenɜrətɪv part of speech: adjective procreative in spanish: , pronunciation: prəkritɪv part of speech: adjective
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