Reproduction in spanish
pronunciation: repɹ̩oʊdukθioʊn part of speech: noun
reproduction1 = reproducción, copia.
Example: Acknowledgements: the author wishes to acknowledge her debt to the authors of the literature that has gone before, and also to the various persons and organisations that have kindly permitted the reproduction of their work.more:
» art reproduction = grabado, estampa. [Imagen obtenida mediante la reproducción de un obra de arte original por medio de planchas grabadas o incisas por cualquier procedimiento manual o mecánico]
Example: An art reproduction is a mechanically reproduced copy of a work of art, generally as one of a commercial edition.» documentary reproduction = reproducción de documentos.
Example: At the height of this burgeoning interest in new methods of documentary reproduction, the American Documentation Institute (ADI) was organized.» facsimile reproduction = edición facsímil. [Reproducción exacta, por cualquier procedimiento, del texto e ilustraciones de un determinado ejemplar impreso o manuscrito]
Example: A facsimile reproduction is a reproduction that has as its chief purpose to simulate the physical appearance of the original work as well as to provide an exact replica of the text.» offset litho reproduction = reproducción en offset. [Método de hacer copias de un original por el que se obtiene un cliché y éste se coloca en una prensa que transfiere su imagen a una rodillo de caucho y éste al papel]
Example: The supply would need to be replenished when the multiple copies had been used, so a master would be kept - usually for offset litho reproduction or for cutting a stencil on an electronic scanner.» rate of reproduction = tasa de reproducción.
Example: If the population of China walked past you in single file, the line would never end because of the rate of reproduction.» reproduction rights = derechos de reproducción.
Example: The roles of the librarian, reproduction rights organizations, and authors are changing in the information chain.reproduction2 = reproducción, procreación.
Example: Included are also rare imprints in the history of medicine such as Edward Rigby's work on birth and reproduction.more:
» asexual reproduction = reproducción asexual.
Example: Topics explored include the nature of sex, sexual reproduction, and asexual reproduction.» assisted reproduction = reproducción asistida.
Example: Donated sperm, eggs, & embryos are an increasing feature of assisted reproduction.» sexual reproduction = reproducción sexual.
Example: Topics explored include the nature of sex, sexual reproduction, and asexual reproduction.