Reproach in spanish
pronunciation: repɹ̩oʊtʃe part of speech: noun, verb
pronunciation: repɹ̩oʊtʃe part of speech: noun, verb
In gestures
reproach1 = reproche, recriminación, queja, crítica, censura.
Example: A standing reproach to all librarians is the non-user.more:
» above reproach = por encima de toda duda, por encima de toda crítica.
Example: Librarians, if they are to use the library to criticise the status quo, must be above reproach, both in their work and professionally.» beyond reproach = por encima de toda duda, por encima de toda crítica.
Example: All its systems, procedures, operations, assurances, and quality control are well-documented and beyond reproach.reproach2 = reprobar, recriminar, acusar, censurar, reprochar, criticar.
Example: The Governor, it is learnt, sternly reproached the party for putting the public to inconvenience for the last two days.