Reprint in spanish


pronunciation: reimpɹ̩imiɹ̩ part of speech: noun
In gestures

reprint1 = separata. 

Example: This book includes information about submitting the manuscript of a scientific article for publication, the review process and reprints.

reprint2 = reimpresión. [Impresión repetida de una publicación sobre el mismo molde o matriz de la primera impresión]

Example: A reprint is a new printing of an item made from the original type image, commonly by photographic methods.


» reprint date = fecha de reimpresión. [Fecha en que se hizo una reimpresión de una publicación]

Example: If no edition or imprint date can be ascertained, then an attempt is made to provide a date from amongst any other dates given on the work, such as copyright dates, and reprint dates.

reprint3 = reimprimir, volver a imprimir. 

Example: The computer merely has to reprint the index to include all titles to be covered by the cumulated index.

Reprint synonyms

separate in spanish: , pronunciation: sepɜreɪt part of speech: adjective, verb reissue in spanish: , pronunciation: riɪʃu part of speech: noun, verb offprint in spanish: , pronunciation: əfrɪnt part of speech: noun reprinting in spanish: , pronunciation: riprɪntɪŋ part of speech: noun
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