Representation in spanish


pronunciation: repɹ̩esentɑθioʊn part of speech: noun
In gestures

representation = representación. 

Example: An abstract is a concise and accurate representation of the contents of a document, in a style similar to that of the original document.


» caricature representation = caricatura, parodia.

Example: In this caricature representation, the Jew is followed by the Jewess, who lays a huge Jew egg that the children of the village attack with gusto, smashing it to bits.

» content representation = representación del contenido.

Example: This could be achieved by either enhancing content representation in the records within the OPAC data base or by enhancing the searchability and browsability of the OPAC.

» diagrammatic representation = diagrama.

Example: Some diagrammatic representations of the layout of the library may unfortunately be daunting.

» document representation = sustituto documental.

Example: They do this primarily by providing multiple access to documents via the medium of document substitutes or representations.

» lay representation = representación de personas profanas en la materia.

Example: This article proposes a model for effective lay representation on network governing boards.

» lobbying representation = formación de grupos de presión.

Example: He recommends that research, fund-raising or development work, and political or 'lobbying' representation be added to the responsibilities of Slavic librarians.

» misrepresentation = desfiguración, interpretación errónea, representación errónea, tergiversación, distorsión, deformación. 

Example: But more to the point, the claim that 2 1/2 million jobs depend on slashing red tape is a misrepresentation of a CBI survey carried out in advance of the UK general election of 1983.

» Nativity representation = belén.

Example: Today many people place many types of small nativity representations in their home.

» pictorial representation = representación pictórica.

Example: An architectural rendering is a pictorial representation of a building intended to show, before it has been built, how the building will look when completed.

» power of representation = poder de representación.

Example: Music has no concepts, it lacks images; it has no power of representation, it has no relation to the world.

» proportional representation = representación proporcional.

Example: These factors which have militated against proportional representation of women as administrators of academic research librarians in the USA.

» proportionate representation = representación proporcional.

Example: They also have a greater proportionate representation from the for-profit sector.

» representation at tribunal = representación ante el juzgado.

Example: Sometimes what starts as a simple information enquiry can develop into a need for more supportive help, such as writing letters, telephoning, representation at tribunals or appearances in court.

» subject representation = representación del contenido temático.

Example: Results suggest that the structure imposed on a small document collection by an automatically produced subject representation is unrelated to the structure imposed on the documents by relevance relationships.

» under-representation [underrepresentation] = falta de representación.

Example: Ann Thompson emphasised the need for an anti-racist approach throughout the library service and highlighted the question of under-representation of black and ethnic minority people in libraries.

Representation synonyms

agency in spanish: , pronunciation: eɪdʒənsi part of speech: noun delegacy in spanish: , pronunciation: deləgəsi part of speech: noun mental representation in spanish: , pronunciation: mentəlreprəzenteɪʃən part of speech: noun internal representation in spanish: , pronunciation: ɪntɜrnəlreprəzenteɪʃən part of speech: noun
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