Reporter in spanish


pronunciation: repoʊɹ̩teɹ̩oʊ part of speech: noun
In gestures

reporter1 = reportero, periodista, corresponsal. [Pincha en para ver otras palabras que acaban con esta terminación]

Example: If the report is to a considerable extent in the words of the reporter then entry will be made under the heading for the reporter.


» newspaper reporter = reportero, periodista, corresponsal.

Example: A newspaper reporter has been threatened after writing about drug trafficking.

» political reporter = corresponsal político, reportero político.

Example: No sooner had he announced his retirement than political reporters began bandying names of 'viable' Democratic candidates .

» roving reporter = reportero itinerante.

Example: He's been out and about in New York in the role of a roving reporter to film a documentary investigating fair trade practises.

» television reporter = corresponsal de televisión, reportero de televisión, periodista de televisión.

Example: Television reporters must be able to look danger squarely in the face, be willing to work long hours, forego weekends, holidays, and special occasions, and be ready to be on the road at a moment's notice.

» TV reporter = corresponsal de televisión, reportero de televisión, periodista de televisión.

Example: When he is interviewed by a TV reporter about this historical figure, Ruben feels embarrassed that he knows nothing about him.

» war reporter = corresponsal de guerra, reportero de guerra.

Example: Ever wondered what its like to be a war reporter on the frontline?.

reporter2 = compilador, recopilador. [Pincha en para ver otras palabras que acaban con esta terminación]

Example: Enter law reports of one court that are not ascribed to a reporter by name under the heading for the court or under title.

Reporter synonyms

newsman in spanish: , pronunciation: nuzmæn part of speech: noun newsperson in spanish: , pronunciation: nuzpɜrsən part of speech: noun
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