Reported in spanish


pronunciation: repoʊɹ̩tɑdoʊ part of speech: adjective
In gestures

report2 = informar, dar parte de, dar a conocer, difundir, manifestar, declarar, denunciar, mostrar, presentar. 

Example: Criticism is not appropriate in a style which aims to report, but not comment upon the content of the original document.


» report back to = informar a, rendir cuentas a, dar cuenta a, dar parte de.

Example: So, it's that time of the year to assess our student's reading levels, and report back to the parents about it.

» report + benefits = declarar beneficios, manifestar beneficios, reportar beneficios.

Example: On the whole, teachers and administrators reported benefits of technology use for all types of students.

» report + Nombre + to the police = denunciar en comisaría, denunciar a la policía, denunciar ante la policía.

Example: If he hadn't been such a goop he wouldn't have reported the matter to the police.

» report + the findings = presentar los resultados.

Example: This article reports the findings of a collaborative project which surveyed trends in library and information science research published during 1984.

» report + the results = presentar the resultados.

Example: This article reports the results of project to examine the needs of a group of rheumatology outpatients for information about the drugs they are taking.

» report to = rendir cuentas a, depender de, informar a, presentarse ante, acudir a, ir a.

Example: The university has a single library system whose director reports to the provost, and has the rank of professor.

reported = mencionado, referido. 

Example: In response to these reported incidents, the President requested permission from the Congress to increase the military presence in Indochina.


» self-reported = auto-declarado, declarado por uno mismo.

Example: Self-reported cannabis use is associated with an increased risk of subsequently developing schizophrenia.

Reported synonyms

according in spanish: , pronunciation: əkɔrdɪŋ part of speech: adjective rumored in spanish: , pronunciation: rumɜrd part of speech: adjective reportable in spanish: , pronunciation: rɪpɔrtəbəl part of speech: adjective

Reported antonyms

unreported pronunciation: ənripɔrtɪd part of speech: adjective
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