Report in spanish
pronunciation: infoʊɹ̩me part of speech: noun, verb
report1 = informe, informe técnico, parte, memoria. [Documento que presenta el resultado de las actividades de un individuo o una organización]
Example: The report introduced a range of ideas which have influenced subsequent code construction.more:
» accident report = parte de accidente.
Example: Recent work involving the application of formal notations to analyse accident reports has shown that theeir is poor, so much so that their conclusions can be misleading.» annual report = informe anual, memoria anual.
Example: The meeting was called to discuss LISC (Library and Information Services Council)'s annual report.» audit report = auditoría.
Example: The audit report commented upon the inadequate storage facilities available to house the national collection, conservatively estimated at a value in excess of $200 million.» conference report = reseña de congreso. [Informe que presenta los datos identificativos de un congreso y resume sus actividades y resultados]
Example: The data base covers all types of documents -- books, theses, conference reports, articles -- published by Latin American authors since 1980.» data report = estadísticas, informe numérico.
Example: The fund structure, report formats, and management data reports have been designed locally for the specific needs of a specific library.» draw up + a report = redactar un informe.
Example: However, a rapporteur is appointed to draw up a report on the committee's findings for consideration by the European Parliament in plenary session.» economic report = memoria económica, informe económico.
Example: The economic reports this past week eased both growth and inflation concerns, increasing the market's confidence.» error report = lista de errores.
Example: This is a practical guide for the submission of error reports to OCLC for the purpose of data base quality control.» eyewitness report = relato de primera mano.
Example: The article is entitled 'Internet World 95: an eyewitness report'.» file + a police report = hacer una denuncia, presentar una denuncia, poner una denuncia.
Example: Filing a false police report is a felony, punishable by one to three years in prison.» final report = informe final.
Example: The Commission's final report is expected to appear in 1983.» financial report = informe económico, informe financiero.
Example: You can download our most recent financial report, as well as previous annual and interim reports in this section.» give + a report = presentar un informe.
Example: A report is given on a research project commissioned by the British Library to strengthen brittle paper without unbinding the books.» grade report = notas.
Example: Grade reports are normally generated and mailed out a few weeks after the end of a term.» intelligence report = informe secreto.
Example: Kelly reportedly said that top aides of Prime Minister Tony Blair had 'sexed up' intelligence reports to help justify an invasion of Iraq.» interim report = memoria de actividad realizada.
Example: Within six months after receipt of the Prize, the winner must submit to IFLA HQ an interim report of the use made of the funds, and the second instalment will be paid out.» Journal Citation Report (JCR) = Journal Citation Report (JCR). [Revista editada por el Instituto de Información Científica americano que clasifica a la mayoría de las revistas científicas del mundo según varios parámetros de uso/importancia]
Example: However, many librarians remain unconvinced that the global citation data from the Journal Citation Report (JCR) bears enough correspondence to their local situation to be useful.» law report = repertorio de jurisprudencia.
Example: Enter law reports of one court that are not ascribed to a reporter by name under the heading for the court or under title.» medical report = informe médico, historial médico.
Example: This paper discusses the medical application of reconstructing complicated cerebral blood vessel structures and associated pathologies from images and medical reports.» newspaper report = reportaje periodístico.
Example: The account here is based chiefly on newspaper reports.» news report = informe.
Example: It covers selected news reports which include the president's programme, power for youth services workers, pay equity, and equity in information services.» police report = informe policial.
Example: The information is taken from official police reports, which do not necessarily contain statements from all parties involved in each case.» present + a report = presentar un informe.
Example: This article discusses fundamental archival principles and practices that need to be readdressed before a revised Report is presented.» progress report = informe de seguimiento, informe sobre la marcha de un trabajo, informe sobre el avance de un proyecto.
Example: This article presents a progress report on the impact of funding on research.» project report = memoria de un proyecto.
Example: Generally, a project report should be typewritten, double-spaced, and bound in a folder or notebook.» proposals report = informe de propuestas.
Example: The report of findings may consist simply of a few pages, or be a trends and proposals report, or may suggest tie-ups with other groups.» quarterly report = informe trimestral.
Example: Katherine suggests sending ticklers to grantees before quarterly reports are due.» report literature = informes, los.
Example: Report literature is rarely 'published' in the sense that they are available through the normal book trade channels or purchaseable from a local bookshop.» report of findings = informe de resultados.
Example: The report of findings may consist simply of a few pages, or be a trends and proposals report, or may suggest tie-ups with other groups.» report writer = programa creador de informes.
Example: DOBIS/LIBIS report writer is CPU intensive and cumbersome to operate.» report writing = elaboración de informes, redacción de informes.
Example: This is a project for collaboration in formal report writing based on current social theories of writing.» research report = informe del resultado de una investigación. [Informe que presenta los resultados obtenidos de una investigación o de un avance técnico]
Example: Note that these provisions do not include research reports which have been prepared within a government agency but specifically authored by an individual = Nótese que estas disposiciones no afectan a informes de investigaciones procedentes de una agencia gubernamental aunque realizados concretamente por un individuo.» road report = informe sobre el estado general de las carreteras.
Example: Index pages are provided so normally the user will initially key in the number of the main index page in order to discover the page numbers of the required subject area, whether it is sports results, the latest news, weather or road reports or cookery recipes.» scientific report = informe científico.
Example: Some of these pilot projects have been: an index to scientific report literature; indexes to public records and an index to monographs and microdocuments on housing.» self-report = autoinforme.
Example: Self-reports are a key source of information in consumer research.» self-study report = autoevaluación.
Example: She looked incredulously at the single photocopied page from the last self-study report.» state of the art report = informe del estado de la cuestión, informe sobre la situación actual. [Informe sobre varios estudios realizados sobre una materia determinada durante un período específico y que normalmente incluye una bibliografía]
Example: An state of the art report is a report of the various studies issued on a given subject during a specified period usually including a bibliography.» state of the nation report = informe sobre el estado de la nación.
Example: A 'state of the nation' report today reveals that less than 20% of UK organisations surveyed have a strategy in place to deal with the risk of loss or degradation to their digital resources.» status report = informe de progreso, informe de situación.
Example: This status report is the first broad assessment of the road safety situation in 178 countries.» stock market report = informe bursátil.
Example: The information may range from the same kind as is available through teletext -- news, stock market reports, weather forecast -- to train timetables, what's on at the local cinema, or consumer advice.» subreport = subinforme.
Example: Now that the subreports display the correct data, you can focus on laying out the subreports next to one another.» technical report = informe técnico. [Documento que describe los resultados de una investigación u otro tipo e estudio y que normalmente se presenta primero a la persona o institución que lo encargó]
Example: The bibliographic data bases allow the searcher to retrieve references to work that has appeared in documents such as journal articles, conference papers, books, dissertations, patents and technical reports.» timely report = informe puntual.
Example: As this timely report makes depressingly clear, the forcible eviction of people from their homes is on the rise in Europe.» traffic report = estado de las carreteras, informe de tráfico.
Example: It can be used to present a wide variety of content channels such as stock quote, sports score, traffic report and weather forecast.» travel report = informe del viaje realizado.
Example: The Centre also provides input into centralised information systems for the storage of information on theses, research reports, travel reports, translations and bibliographies.» trends report = informe de tendencias.
Example: The report of findings may consist simply of a few pages, or be a trends and proposals report, or may suggest tie-ups with other groups.» weather report = previsión meteorológica.
Example: For example, pilots flying on international routes sometimes have problems in understanding weather reports spoken in English but with a heavy local accent.report2 = informar, dar parte de, dar a conocer, difundir, manifestar, declarar, denunciar, mostrar, presentar.
Example: Criticism is not appropriate in a style which aims to report, but not comment upon the content of the original document.more:
» report back to = informar a, rendir cuentas a, dar cuenta a, dar parte de.
Example: So, it's that time of the year to assess our student's reading levels, and report back to the parents about it.» report + benefits = declarar beneficios, manifestar beneficios, reportar beneficios.
Example: On the whole, teachers and administrators reported benefits of technology use for all types of students.» report + Nombre + to the police = denunciar en comisaría, denunciar a la policía, denunciar ante la policía.
Example: If he hadn't been such a goop he wouldn't have reported the matter to the police.» report + the findings = presentar los resultados.
Example: This article reports the findings of a collaborative project which surveyed trends in library and information science research published during 1984.» report + the results = presentar the resultados.
Example: This article reports the results of project to examine the needs of a group of rheumatology outpatients for information about the drugs they are taking.» report to = rendir cuentas a, depender de, informar a, presentarse ante, acudir a, ir a.
Example: The university has a single library system whose director reports to the provost, and has the rank of professor.