Replicate in spanish

Reproducir exactamente

pronunciation: repɹ̩oʊduθiɹ̩eksɑktɑmente part of speech: verb
In gestures

replicate = reproducir, duplicar. 

Example: The aim of leafcasting is to replicate the paper of a damaged object as closely as possible = El objetivo de la reconstrucción de páginas es reproducir el papel de un objeto estropeado tan fielmente como sea posible.

Replicate synonyms

double in spanish: , pronunciation: dʌbəl part of speech: adjective duplicate in spanish: , pronunciation: dupləkət part of speech: adjective, verb repeat in spanish: , pronunciation: rɪpit part of speech: verb reduplicate in spanish: , pronunciation: rɪdʌpləkeɪt part of speech: verb
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