Replacement in spanish
pronunciation: reemplɑθoʊ part of speech: noun
pronunciation: reemplɑθoʊ part of speech: noun
In gestures
replacement1 = sustitución, reemplazo.
Example: The only modification made was the replacement of the light-weight belt or roller on the machine wire with the dandy roll, first used in 1825.more:
» hip replacement = prótesis de cadera.
Example: These bedpans are designed specifically for patients who have had a hip fracture or recovering from hip replacement.» hip replacement surgery = cirugía de reemplazo de cadera, cirugía de prótesis de cadera, operación de reemplazo de cadera, operación de prótesis de cadera.
Example: More often than not, it would take about six months for a patient to surpass hip replacement surgery and recovery to be fully achieved.» knee replacement = prótesis de rodilla.
Example: The title of the article is 'From John the Baptist to knee replacements: the use of online in schools' = El título del artículo es "Desde San Juan Bautista hasta la prótesis de rodilla: el uso de la información en línea en las escuelas".» replacement costs = gastos en sustitución de material.
Example: This paper discusses the importance of the urban public library for the poor, newly literate Africans; implications for the library (high lending rate and high maintenance, repair and replacement costs); and economic constraints.replacement2 = sustituto.
Example: Many of the early systems were perceived as replacements for manual techniques.