Repeat in spanish


pronunciation: repetiɹ̩ part of speech: verb
In gestures

repeat1 = repetición. 

Example: A repeat of this sequence of operations will be responsible for creating other references.


» repeat + Nombre + by rote = repetir Algo como un loro, repetir Algo como un papagayo, repetir Algo de carretilla, repetir Algo de carrerilla, repetir Algo al dedillo, repetir Algo de forma mecánica, repetir Algo de manera mecánica.

Example: We know it by heart, repeat it by rote, but have you ever really thought about it?.

» repeat offender = delincuente reincidente.

Example: How can people be repeat offenders and get away with a slap on the wrist!.

repeat2 = repetir. 

Example: Also, some aspects of some of the schemes have already been considered in the last chapter, and these will obviously not be directly repeated.


» Comida + repeat on + Pronombre = Comida + repetírsele a Uno.

Example: Meeting men is not the problem - there have been plenty; so many, in fact, that the different types seem to be repeating on her like spring onions.

» repeat + Nombre + by heart = repetir Algo como un loro, repetir Algo como un papagayo, repetir Algo de carretilla, repetir Algo de carrerilla, repetir Algo al dedillo, repetir Algo de forma mecánica, repetir Algo de manera mecánica.

Example: Lennie has heard this story so often he can repeat it by heart.

» repeat + Nombre + parrot-fashion = repetir Algo como un loro, repetir Algo como un papagayo, repetir Algo de carretilla, repetir Algo de carrerilla, repetir Algo al dedillo, repetir Algo de forma mecánica, repetir Algo de manera mecánica.

Example: Life is about living and making your own judgements -- not repeating parrot-fashion what the government of the day decides they want you to do, or not do.

Repeat synonyms

echo in spanish: , pronunciation: ekoʊ part of speech: noun, verb reiterate in spanish: , pronunciation: riɪtɜreɪt part of speech: verb double in spanish: , pronunciation: dʌbəl part of speech: adjective reprise in spanish: , pronunciation: rɪpraɪz part of speech: verb iterate in spanish: , pronunciation: ɪtɜreɪt part of speech: verb duplicate in spanish: , pronunciation: dupləkət part of speech: adjective, verb replicate in spanish: , pronunciation: repləkeɪt part of speech: verb recur in spanish: , pronunciation: rɪkɜr part of speech: verb repetition in spanish: , pronunciation: repətɪʃən part of speech: noun recapitulate in spanish: , pronunciation: rikəpɪtʃəleɪt part of speech: verb take over in spanish: , pronunciation: teɪkoʊvɜr part of speech: verb retell in spanish: , pronunciation: ritel part of speech: verb restate in spanish: , pronunciation: risteɪt part of speech: verb reduplicate in spanish: , pronunciation: rɪdʌpləkeɪt part of speech: verb ingeminate in spanish: , pronunciation: ɪndʒemənət part of speech: verb
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