Repairing in spanish


pronunciation: repɑɹ̩ɑndoʊ part of speech: verb
In gestures

repair2 = corregir, reparar, arreglar, restaurar, recomponer. 

Example: In the more common perspective of linear causality, we seek to explain a negative consequence by searching for its root cause and repairing it.


» repair + the damage = reparar daños, subsanar daños.

Example: We all know that when evil is done it is very hard to repair the damage = Es de todos conocido que cuando se hace el mal es muy difícl reparar el daño causado.

» send + Nombre + off for repair = enviar a reparar.

Example: If I take it back to the shop and say I dropped it accidentally, how likely are they to say they'll send it off for repair with no charge?.
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