Repair in spanish


pronunciation: repɑɹ̩ɑɹ̩ part of speech: noun, verb
In gestures

repair1 = reparación, arreglo. 

Example: These tapes effect a permanent repair and do not discolour.


» auto repair = reparación de automóviles.

Example: Counting the media center (which everyone persists in calling the library), there are 26 classrooms, 2 shops (one for auto repair and one for woodworking), a basement gymnasium, and a flat-floor auditorium.

» be in need of repair = necesitar reparación.

Example: A pilot study revealed that 25% of the collection is in need of repair and that 86% of the materials appear to be acidic.

» beyond repair = sin arreglo, sin remedio, irreparable, irremediable.

Example: And when, finally, the heavily timbered ranges had been pillaged almost beyond repair, many lumbermen pulled stakes and pushed westward.

» disrepair = mal estado.

Example: The collection are mostly uncatalogued and in disrepair.

» home repair = bricolaje, arreglos del hogar.

Example: Many products used in home repair contain hazardous solvents.

» in a bad state of repair = en mal estado de conservación.

Example: The water supply was good but not of the best quality, and the roads and paths were muddy and in a bad state of repair.

» in a constant state of repair = en conservación permanente.

Example: Researchers have discovered that osteoarthritic knee joints are in a constant state of repair.

» in a good state of repair = en buen estado de conservación.

Example: The second condition for payment requires the buildings to be in a good state of repair prior to the damage.

» in a poor state of repair = en mal estado de conservación.

Example: They have had to close the nursery because it is in a poor state of repair.

» in a sorry state of repair = en lamentable estado de conservación, en pésimo estado de conservación.

Example: Unfortunately most fatalaties in Morocco are motorbike related, and the roads can be in a sorry state of repair.

» repair job = arreglo, chapuza, chapuz, reparación.

Example: Sometimes it's a stretch to get all those home improvement or home repair jobs done so make it easy on yourself with this telescopic ladder.

» repair part = recambio, respuesto, pieza de recambio, pieza de repuesto.

Example: It is a wholesale distributor of industrial supplies, equipment, and repair parts.

» roadside repairs = reparación en carretera, arreglo en carretera.

Example: If roadside repairs aren't possible, however, the service arranges a tow.

» shoe repair man [shoe repair men, -pl.] = zapatero.

Example: The small art gallery, which often features local crafts, doubles as a room for seniors to play euchre, the local shoe repair man to teach chess, community leaders to plan special action, and so on.

» shoe repair shop = taller de reparación de zapatos.

Example: Displays and exhibits include folk art and portraiture, fireams and militia accouterments, blacksmith shop, shoe repair shop, cooperage, gardens of culinary and medicinal herbs, and much more.

» state of repair = estado de conservación.

Example: Four of the top six aspects mentioned relate to the quality of their housing or state of repair.

repair2 = corregir, reparar, arreglar, restaurar, recomponer. 

Example: In the more common perspective of linear causality, we seek to explain a negative consequence by searching for its root cause and repairing it.


» repair + the damage = reparar daños, subsanar daños.

Example: We all know that when evil is done it is very hard to repair the damage = Es de todos conocido que cuando se hace el mal es muy difícl reparar el daño causado.

» send + Nombre + off for repair = enviar a reparar.

Example: If I take it back to the shop and say I dropped it accidentally, how likely are they to say they'll send it off for repair with no charge?.

Repair synonyms

fix in spanish: , pronunciation: fɪks part of speech: verb, noun doctor in spanish: , pronunciation: dɑktɜr part of speech: noun resort in spanish: , pronunciation: rɪzɔrt part of speech: noun, verb restore in spanish: , pronunciation: rɪstɔr part of speech: verb haunt in spanish: , pronunciation: hɔnt part of speech: verb, noun mend in spanish: , pronunciation: mend part of speech: verb reparation in spanish: , pronunciation: repɜreɪʃən part of speech: noun bushel in spanish: , pronunciation: bʊʃəl part of speech: noun hangout in spanish: , pronunciation: hæŋaʊt part of speech: noun fixing in spanish: , pronunciation: fɪksɪŋ part of speech: noun mending in spanish: , pronunciation: mendɪŋ part of speech: noun touch on in spanish: , pronunciation: tʌtʃɑn part of speech: verb stamping ground in spanish: , pronunciation: stæmpɪŋgraʊnd part of speech: noun furbish up in spanish: , pronunciation: fɜrbɪʃʌp part of speech: verb

Repair antonyms

break pronunciation: breɪk part of speech: verb, noun bust pronunciation: bʌst part of speech: noun
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