Repaid in spanish


pronunciation: debueltoʊ part of speech: verb
In gestures

repaid = Tiempo pasado y participio del verbo repay (compensar). [Véase éste y sus derivados para los distintos significados]

Example: The administrator will be more than repaid by high staff morale for all the trouble-shooting and unglamorous behind-the-scenes planning.

repay = compensar, amortizar. [Verbo irregular: pasado y participio repaid]

Example: The administrator will be more than repaid by high staff morale for all the trouble-shooting and unglamorous behind-the-scenes planning.


» repay + a loan = amortizar un préstamo.

Example: I've had and repaid a loan before, why am I being declined now?.

» repay + capital = pagar capital.

Example: When its resources allow, the EIB may grant loans on which capital is repaid in full at term (bullet loans).

» repay + costs = pagar los gastos, pagar los costos, pagar los costes, pagar las costas.

Example: There is a rule that if you win your case and recover or hang on to money or property then you will have to repay your legal costs.

» repay + debt = pagar una deuda.

Example: The company, which was close to bankruptcy in 1988, repaid its debts in 1989.

» repay + full consideration = merecer la pena considerar más detalladamente.

Example: Figure 19.2 will repay full consideration.

» repay + Posesivo + effort = merecer la pena el esfuerzo, valer la pena el esfuerzo.

Example: The effort involved in creating an hospitable niche is repaid by the stimulus such courses provide to staff members.

» repay + reading = valer la pena leer Algo.

Example: The introduction to this code certainly repays reading, and contains sensible advice about how to make a filing order amenable to the public.

» repay + study = merecer la pena estudiar Algo.

Example: Each of these is sufficiently significant that they repay study in their own right.
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