Renewal in spanish


pronunciation: renoʊbɑθioʊn part of speech: noun
In gestures

renewal1 = renovación, remodelación. 

Example: Indeed, if they are not successful at such attempts toward renewal, dissolution and displacement are inevitable.


» non-renewal = falta de renovación.

Example: There is a suggestion of sterilization in McLuhan's observation, one of negative growth and non-renewal.

» self-renewal = autorenovación.

Example: Most librarians are concerned with self-renewal in some form and it may be defined as the replenishment, replacement, or change of library stock, based on a set of criteria.

» urban renewal = remodelación urbana.

Example: Following World War II, 'urban renewal' referred primarily to public efforts to revitalize aging and decaying inner cities.

renewal2 = renovación del préstamo. 

Example: The maximum number of renewals allowed for each material and borrower type is given in the 'RRRR' column.


» self-renewal = autorenovación del préstamo.

Example: Self-renewal has proved a success, reducing queues and reducing pressure on staff; but the take-up of self-issue has been disappointing.

Renewal synonyms

rehabilitation in spanish: , pronunciation: rihəbɪləteɪʃən part of speech: noun replacement in spanish: , pronunciation: rɪpleɪsmənt part of speech: noun revival in spanish: , pronunciation: rɪvaɪvəl part of speech: noun reclamation in spanish: , pronunciation: rekləmeɪʃən part of speech: noun replenishment in spanish: , pronunciation: rɪplenɪʃmənt part of speech: noun refilling in spanish: , pronunciation: rifɪlɪŋ part of speech: noun
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