Renewable in spanish


pronunciation: renoʊbɑble part of speech: adjective
In gestures

renewable = renovable. [Pincha en para ver otras palabras que terminan con este sufijo]

Example: This programme was devoted to improve the managament of energy resources by developing renewable energy sources and the rational use of energy.


» non-renewable = no renovable.

Example: Oil, natural gas, coal and uranium - the most common fuels in the world - are considered to be non-renewable, due to the eons it took to create them and mankind's inability to synthesize similar fuels readily.

» renewable energy = energía renovable, energía no contaminante.

Example: Consequently, many countries promote renewable energies through tax incentives and subsidies.

» renewable material = material renovable.

Example: Renewable materials are substances derived from a living tree, plant, animal or ecosystem which has the ability to regenerate itself.

» renewable resource = recurso renovable.

Example: The manufacture car trims reinforced with natural fibers which contain approx. 80% materials from renewable resources.

Renewable synonyms

inexhaustible in spanish: , pronunciation: ɪnɪgzɔstəbəl part of speech: adjective

Renewable antonyms

nonrenewable pronunciation: nɑnrinuəbəl part of speech: adjective unrenewable pronunciation: ənrɪnuəbəl part of speech: adjective
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