Renew in spanish


pronunciation: renoʊbɑɹ̩ part of speech: verb
In gestures

renew1 = renovación, reanudación. 

Example: Some terminals will be linked to telepens for issue, return and renew functions.

renew2 = renovar, reanudar. 

Example: But the new regulations were both unpopular and ineffective, and were not renewed after 1695.


» renew + a document = renovar el préstamo de un documento.

Example: The computer must know the number of times particular documents may be renewed.

» renew + a subscription = renovar una suscripción.

Example: It is not a once-only payment, you have to renew the subscriptions every year.

» renew + hope = renovar la esperanza.

Example: Under these circumstances, physical expressions of love and concern not only enrich the soul, but go a far way in healing wounds and renewing hope.

» renew + Posesivo + strength = renovar fuerzas, recobrar fuerzas.

Example: Every effort to renew her strength proved unavailing, and she died in 1867, greatly beloved and lamented.

» renew + Posesivo + vows = renovar los votos.

Example: Oracle and Sun yesterday renewed their vows of collaboration and detailed their plans to give Microsoft a run for its money.

» renew + the attack = reanudar el ataque.

Example: Miliband's toughest month yet has seen his enemies renew the attacks that started the minute he became leader.

» renew + the hostilities = reanudar las hostilidades.

Example: The world seemed poised to renew the hostilities that ravaged the globe merely two decades before.

» self-renew = autorenovarse.

Example: Development and homeostasis of the haematopoietic system is dependent upon stem cells that have the unique ability to self-renew.

Renew synonyms

regenerate in spanish: , pronunciation: ridʒenɜreɪt part of speech: verb
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