Renegade in spanish


pronunciation: renegɑdoʊ part of speech: noun
In gestures

renegade1 = renegado, desertor, defector, apóstata. 

Example: Reactionaries and renegades alike of all shades and hues might scoff and mock at the LSSP Party, now a pale reflection of its former revolutionary self, but the LSSP does have its historians and archivists.

renegade2 = apostatar, renegar, desertar. 

Example: Whether Salman Farsie saw something better or not in Islam, the fact remains he renegaded his faith, his vows and his allegiance.


» renegade on = abjurar, desdecirse, retractarse.

Example: President Obama sold his soul to the warmongers when he renegaded on his election promise to end these sorry wars of attrition.

Renegade synonyms

apostate in spanish: , pronunciation: əpɔsteɪt part of speech: noun, adjective rebel in spanish: , pronunciation: rebəl part of speech: noun, verb recreant in spanish: , pronunciation: rikriənt part of speech: adjective deserter in spanish: , pronunciation: dezɜrtɜr part of speech: noun turncoat in spanish: , pronunciation: tɜrnkoʊt part of speech: noun disloyal in spanish: , pronunciation: dɪslɔɪəl part of speech: adjective
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