Render in spanish


pronunciation: ɑθeɹ̩ part of speech: verb
In gestures

render1 = hacer, convertir, volver. [Generalmente seguido de un Adjetivo]

Example: So strongly was it felt by proponents of change that just such unconscious biases rendered libraries 'part of the problem, instead of the solution'.


» render + a service = prestar un servicio.

Example: A debatable source of outside funding is the collection of fees for services rendered.

» render + assistance = prestar ayuda.

Example: There are obvious limits to the assistance which a librarian can undertake to render.

» render + flexible = hacer que sea flexible, hacer flexible, volver flexible.

Example: These representations render the interaction between diverse users and the data base more flexible and more adaptable.

» render + incomprehensible = hacer incomprensible, volver incomprensible.

Example: The dangers of abbreviations rendering material totally incomprehensible and indecipherable are most clearly to be seen in the matter of periodical titles.

» render + Nombre + adaptable = hacer que sea adaptable.

Example: These representations render the interaction between diverse users and the data base more flexible and more adaptable.

» render + Nombre + detrimental to = hacer que sea perjudicial para.

Example: Further, changes in the external world serve to render judgments, valid at the moment, wrong at best, and detrimental to the effectiveness of the catalog at worst.

» render + Nombre + easy prey to = convertir a Algo en presa fácil para.

Example: Any element of an organization's information apparatus, from paper based files to computerized databases, from fax machines to cellular telephones, can render that organization easy prey to info-thieves.

» render + Nombre + effective = hacer que sea eficaz, hacer eficaz.

Example: As continuing deterioration of postal services renders present methods of inter-library co-operation less and less effective, a radically different balance of cost-factors will emerge.

» render + Nombre + harmless = hacer que sea inofensivo, hacer inofensivo, volver inofensivo, convertir en inofensivo.

Example: The public library was viewed as an agent in the 'Americanization' of the immigrant thus rendering him harmless to the American way of life.

» render + Nombre + important = hacer que sea importante, hacer importante, volver importante, convertir en importante.

Example: The first of these is the transfer of the library's bibliographical records to computer operation, which will render the shelf arrangement far less important in the system envisaged.

» render + Nombre + impossible = hacer que sea imposible, hacer imposible, volver imposible, convertir en imposible.

Example: Ad hoc attempts to impose a rigorous structure will prove either impossible, or so expensive as to render the exercise impossible.

» render + Nombre + inconceivable = pasar a ser inconcebible, hacerse inconcebible.

Example: Next came the good news that war between member states had been rendered inconceivable, even though the prospect of war was on nobody's mind at the time.

» render + Nombre + indecipherable = hacer indescifrable, volver indescifrable.

Example: The dangers of abbreviations rendering material totally incomprehensible and indecipherable are most clearly to be seen in the matter of periodical titles.

» render + Nombre + ineffective = hacer que sea ineficaz, hacer ineficaz.

Example: The institution is subject to political interference and suffers from high levels of corruption, rendering it ineffective.

» render + Nombre + insoluble = hacer insoluble, volver insoluble.

Example: The 1850s also saw the appearance of photolithography, whereby a chemical film spread on the surface of a litho stone or plate was rendered insoluble and water-repellent by exposure to light.

» render + Nombre + machine-manipulatable = hacer que sea procesable por el ordenador, hacer procesable por ordenador.

Example: For instance, were we to render this file machine-manipulatable.

» render + Nombre + meaningless = quitarle el sentido.

Example: Although the isolate numbers for the concepts are correct, these mistakes in the use of facet indicators render this class number meaningless.

» render + Nombre + necessary = hacer necesario.

Example: The perceived disinterest among librarians and incompetence among researchers renders it necessary to establish whether there is any justification for these ideas.

» render + Nombre + obsolete = convertir en obsoleto, hacer que sea obsoleto.

Example: Many developments have taken place rendering the present documented information obsolete.

» render + Nombre + open to = hacer vulnerable a, abrirse a.

Example: The prospect that they might render themselves open to the receipt of numerous requests for copies of the items is one they would view with some alarm in most cases.

» render + Nombre + permanent = hacer permanente.

Example: The sheer act of preservation renders the material permanent rather than transitory.

» render + Nombre + questionable = cuestionar, poner en cuestión.

Example: Luhmann's attempt to assign to language a merely marginal role renders questionable the conclusiveness of his theory.

» render + Nombre + redundant = hacer que sea obsoleto, invalidar.

Example: We need to replace those aspects of traditional public library service which have been taken over by other media or rendered redundant by social change.

» render + Nombre + reliable = hacer que sea fiable, hacer fiable, volver fiable, convertir en fiable.

Example: The haphazard approach to indexing illustrated here renders the indexes less reliable than they should be.

» render + Nombre + suitable = hacer que sea adecuado, hacer que sea apropiado.

Example: The characteristic features of the Waring distribution render it particularly suitable as a model for the frequency distribution of scientific productivity.

» render + Nombre + suspect = poner en duda, cuestionar, invalidar.

Example: Poor standards of cataloguing in the past render many examples of retrospective music bibliography suspect.

» render + Nombre + transitory = hacer pasajero, hacer transitorio, volver transitorio, convertir en transitorio.

Example: The sheer act of preservation renders the material permanent rather than transitory.

» render + Nombre + unmistakable = hacer que sea inconfundible, hacer inconfundible, volver inconfundible, convertir en inconfundible.

Example: It distinguishes between pure anonymity, official designations or descriptions which render the author's identity unmistakable.

» render + Nombre + unused = hacer que no se use.

Example: This again extends the search time but may not be a decisive factor where the stock soon dates, rendering older catalogues largely unused.

» render + Nombre + valueless = anular, quitar el valor, desvalorizar.

Example: The immense cultural differences facing the professions tends to render comparisons valueless.

» render + Nombre + visible = hacer visible, volver visible, convertir en visible.

Example: In order to render the image visible, the copy paper must be developed.

» render + Nombre + water-repellent = hacer hidrófugo, hacer impermeable, volver hidrófugo, volver impermeable, convertir en hidrófugo, convertir en impermeable.

Example: The 1850s also saw the appearance of photolithography, whereby a chemical film spread on the surface of a litho stone or plate was rendered insoluble and water-repellent by exposure to light.

» render + Nombre + wrong = anular, invalidar.

Example: Further, changes in the external world serve to render judgments, valid at the moment, wrong at best, and detrimental to the effectiveness of the catalog at worst.

» render + unlikely = hacer que sea poco probable, hacer poco probable, volver poco probable, convertir en poco probable.

Example: The good citation renders such possible confusion unlikely.

» render + unnecessary = hacer que Algo sea innecesario, hacer innecesario, volver innecesario, convertir en innecesario.

Example: There is a union catalogue but the development of a national data base should render this unnecessary.

» render + useless = hacer inutilizable, hacer inservible, volver inservible, volver inutilizable, convertir en inservible, convertir en inutilizable.

Example: This article concludes that cutting the number of words could lead to undesirable impoverishing of data bases rendering them useless as an independent source of information.

render2 = describir, presentar, representar. 

Example: The eventuality is, admittedly, remote but it is also necessary to render the imprint statement in this amount of detail.


» render + an account of = rendir cuentas, dar cuenta.

Example: One obligation of a public institution is to render an account of itself to the people and show cause why they should continue to support it.

» render + returns = producir beneficios, generar beneficios.

Example: If all of these costs are to render returns to the library, the returns come only in terms of the use of the collection.

render3 = traducir. 

Example: Editors should bear in mind problems of translation so that the revised edition can be rendered more easily into other languages.

Render synonyms

play in spanish: , pronunciation: pleɪ part of speech: verb, noun provide in spanish: , pronunciation: prəvaɪd part of speech: verb give in spanish: , pronunciation: gɪv part of speech: verb yield in spanish: , pronunciation: jild part of speech: noun, verb return in spanish: , pronunciation: rɪtɜrn part of speech: noun, verb deliver in spanish: , pronunciation: dɪlɪvɜr part of speech: verb supply in spanish: , pronunciation: səplaɪ part of speech: noun, verb forgo in spanish: , pronunciation: fɔrgoʊ part of speech: verb submit in spanish: , pronunciation: səbmɪt part of speech: verb interpret in spanish: , pronunciation: ɪntɜrprət part of speech: verb try in spanish: , pronunciation: traɪ part of speech: verb forfeit in spanish: , pronunciation: fɔrfɪt part of speech: verb waive in spanish: , pronunciation: weɪv part of speech: verb generate in spanish: , pronunciation: dʒenɜreɪt part of speech: verb spiel in spanish: , pronunciation: spil part of speech: noun furnish in spanish: , pronunciation: fɜrnɪʃ part of speech: verb give up in spanish: , pronunciation: gɪvʌp part of speech: verb hand over in spanish: , pronunciation: hændoʊvɜr part of speech: verb turn in in spanish: , pronunciation: tɜrnɪn part of speech: verb get in in spanish: , pronunciation: getɪn part of speech: verb throw overboard in spanish: , pronunciation: θroʊoʊvɜrbɔrd part of speech: verb

Render antonyms

claim pronunciation: kleɪm part of speech: noun, verb arrogate pronunciation: æroʊgeɪt part of speech: verb lay claim pronunciation: leɪkleɪm part of speech: verb
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