Remover in spanish

Agente de mudanzas

pronunciation: ɑxentedemudɑnθɑs part of speech: noun
In gestures

remover = eliminador, extractor. [Pincha en para ver otras palabras que acaban con esta terminación]

Example: The installation of a peel remover for the peeling of tomatoes is described.


» fingernail polish remover = quitaesmalte.

Example: Materials covered in this booklet include: aerosols; deodorizers; cleaners; drain cleaners; fingernail polish/remover; handcleaners; moth crystals; oven cleaners; and wood preservatives.

» nail polish remover = quitaesmalte.

Example: That is why the nail polish remover can remove nail polish and not dissolve the nail.

» paint remover = decapante, quintapintura.

Example: The amount of paint remover you will need depends on what you are stripping and how many coats of old surface must be removed.

» stain remover = quitamanchas.

Example: Three cleaners were evaluated: conventional toothpaste; toothpaste with stain remover; and denture cleaning paste.
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