Removed in spanish


pronunciation: remoʊtoʊ part of speech: adjective
In gestures

remove = eliminar, quitar, sacar, extraer, suprimir, destituir. 

Example: A beaver had to be removed by sheriffs after causing havoc in a dollar store in Maryland.


» at one or more removes from = separado un nivel o más de.

Example: The display in the hierarchical index shows all terms related to the main term, either directly, or at one or more removes from it, by an 'NT' reference.

» at one remove from = separado de.

Example: For the beginner, the intention has been to offer an immediate plunge into the world of reference work, though necessarily at one remove from the actual user with his real problems.

» remove + a barrier = eliminar una barrera, remover un obstáculo, eliminar un obstáculo.

Example: 1992 will bring the Single European Market in which many of the existing barriers to European integration will be removed.

» remove + a burden from + Posesivo + shoulders = quitar un peso de encima.

Example: Perhaps what they all do more importantly than anything else is to remove the burden from the teachers' shoulders.

» remove + an error = eliminar un error.

Example: This article describes measures to remove error in automated vocabularies based on comparisons of word particles such as roots and inflections, prefixes and suffixes.

» remove + an obstacle = remover un obstáculo, eliminar un obstáculo.

Example: I believe it is the duty of every politician to serve the people by removing the obstacles in the way of these ambitions.

» remove from + Posesivo + shoulders = descargar de responsabilidad.

Example: Thirdly, the burden of stimulation is removed from the teacher's shoulders, giving a welcome respite.

» remove + Nombre + from = separar de, eliminar de, quitar de.

Example: Folders allow a set of papers to be kept together when a set on a given topic is removed from the file.

» remove + Nombre + surgically = extirpar quirúrgicamente.

Example: A man who had been suffering with constipation for the past decade is recovering in hospital after having an 11lb turd surgically removed from his colon.

» remove + Reflexivo + from = distanciarse de, separarse de.

Example: She says she's had to remove herself from the chaos of the fashion industry -- and be a little bit unfashionable -- to find her peace.

» remove + the need for = eliminar la necesidad de.

Example: It helps in consistency between related cases, since principles are established, and removes the need for separate rules for the different types of material.

» remove + the paint = quitar la pintura.

Example: The next phase of the process will be to remove the paint that was applied to the building many years ago.



» a long way removed from = muy lejos de, muy alejado de, muy apartado de.

Example: All this is a long way removed from the other casual look which predominates this year.

» be one step further removed = estar aun más alejados.

Example: Getting information to elected members poses even greater problems because they are one step further removed and do not have the daily opportunity of scanning relevant material passing through their offices.

» second-removed = en segunda instancia.

Example: The problem is compounded by the fact that his boss, my second-removed boss, the director of the library, has asked me out.

Removed synonyms

separate in spanish: , pronunciation: sepɜreɪt part of speech: adjective, verb far in spanish: , pronunciation: fɑr part of speech: adverb remote in spanish: , pronunciation: rɪmoʊt part of speech: adjective distant in spanish: , pronunciation: dɪstənt part of speech: adjective abstracted in spanish: , pronunciation: æbstræktɪd part of speech: adjective
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