Removal in spanish


pronunciation: eliminɑθioʊn part of speech: noun
In gestures

removal = eliminación, retirada, extracción. 

Example: Other references follow, with the progressive removal of terms.


» hair removal = depilación.

Example: Hair removal has an important religious-cultural meaning in eastern India.

» laser hair removal = depilación láser.

Example: Laser hair removal was performed experimentally for about 20 years before it became commercially available in the mid 1990s.

» laser hair removal clinic = clínica de depilación láser.

Example: Before deciding to walk into a laser hair removal clinic, there are several facts which you need to familiarise with.

» refuse removal = recogida de basura.

Example: There will be a skeleton staff to ensure that services like power and refuse removal are maintained throughout the festive season holidays.

Removal synonyms

remotion in spanish: , pronunciation: rimoʊʃən part of speech: noun
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